Research Teams Led by Academician Fan Xianqun and Prof. Lei Ming Publish A Paper on Molecular Cell Telling Mechanisti...
December 26, 2022Uveal melanoma (UM) is a malignancy arising from the vascular tunic and also the most common malignant intraocular tumor. UM is highly malignant and easy to metastasize. About one-half of the UM patients arediagnosed with liver metastases, andthey only have a limited survival after being diagnosed with metastases. The median progression-free survival and the overall survival of patients with li... -
Prof. Gu Jinyang’s team publishes new discovery at Hepatology
July 22, 2022Liver regeneration is vital to restoration of liver function after hepatectomy. Insufficient regeneration ability and insufficient volume of residual liver are the risk factors for liver failure after hepatectomy. Though inflammation plays a vital role in controlling liver regeneration, its underlying mechanism remains currently unclear.Recently, Gu Jinyang, director of transplantation departme... -
New approach to immunotherapy of clinical diseases discovered by Prof. Chen Fuxiang’s team
May 25, 2022On 25 May, 2022 (US Eastern Standard Time), the Science Advances journal publishes online the “Differential Metabolic Requirement Governed by Transcription Factor c-Maf Dictates γδT17 Effector Functionality in Mice and Humans”, the joint research paper by Professor Chen Fuxiang research group with clinical laboratory of the Ninth People’s Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong Universit... -
Prof. Tong Xuemei and her team discover that non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway controls regulatory T cell funct...
May 23, 2022On 23 May, Professor Tong Xuemei research group with the Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology of College of Basic Medical Sciences of SJTUSM, Research Fellow Li Bin research group with Shanghai Institute on Immunology, and Research Fellow Yang Hui with Huashan Hospital/Institute for Translational Brain Research affiliated to Fudan University jointly publish online in the “Nature Metabolism... -
A new mechanism of STING's regulation of classical autophagy and energy metabolism in the body revealed by the teams ...
March 5, 2022STING (Stimulator of interferon genes) is a vital regulating molecule in the process of natural immunization. The cGAS-STING pathway can sense free DNA and activate the downstream NF-κB and IRF3 signal molecule, and produce Type I interferon, which plays a vital role to the process of infection, autoimmune disease, inflammation response, cell aging, etc. The researches in recent years also sug...