Tier 2 Professors


WANG Hongli


Email: wanghongli602@163.com

Tel: 021-

Research Interests: Diagnostic and Treatment of Hemorrhagic and Thrombotic Diseases


  • As one of the founders of national medical laboratory education system, Professor Wang Hongli has long been engaged in the diagnostic and treatment of hemorrhagic and           thrombotic diseases. He obtained three national awards for science and technology progress, and many honors such as National Most-esteemed Doctor and National Distinguished Teacher. Professor Wang Hongli launched over 40 new techniques in thrombosis and hemostasis lab testing, established a full diagnostic system of hemorrhagic and thrombotic diseases in clinical diagnosis, pedigree analysis, phenotype detecting, genetic diagnosis and functional research, worked as Editor-in-Chief for 5 national official textbook and over 60 academic publications.