Xinhua Hospital


YAN Xiumin


Doctoral Supervisor

Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

Research area: Cell Biology


Tel: 021-

Research Interests

  • Cilia are microtubule-based, centriole-derived, hair-like organelles protruding from the cell surface of most cells in our body. There are two categories of cilia, immotile (primary cilia) and motile cilia. With many signalling receptors and ion channel proteins enriched in their membrane, cilia act as “cell antennae” to sense environmental stimuli for signalling transduction. In addition to the sensory function, motile cilia generate force critical for moving fluids around the cell. Cilia defects cause a wide range of genetic disorders, termed ciliopathies. Ciliopathies usually affect multiple organs, displaying a variety of abnormalities, such as obesity, polycystic kidney, heart disease, blindness, infertility and cognitive deficits. Our lab is interested in the mechanisms of : 1) cilia formation; 2) cilia function; 3) ciliopathies.