Tong Ren Hospital


WANG Xiaoxia


Doctoral Supervisor/Graduate Supervisor

Tongren Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

Research area: Nephrology

Major Interest: glomerular mesangial cell phenotype switching and mitochondria injury in proximal tubulein type 2 diabetic kidney disease


Tel: 021-

Research Interests

  • Our research focuses on the role of the glomerular mesangial cell phenotype switching in the glomerular remodeling in the setting of experimental diabetic kidney disease (DKD). In situ metabolomics, molecular, cellularand whole animal techniques are used to understand abnormal metabolic reprogramming induced involving in DKD. In combination with bioinformatics, We currently find five dysregulated rate-limiting enzymes related to altered metabolic pathways in diabetic animal model. It is very interesting to test whether abnormal rate-limiting enzymes induce the glomerular remodeling via regulating mesangial cell phenotype switching. Meanwhile we also work on the areas of inflammation and mitochondrial injury in animal models of acute kidney injury and renal interstitial fibrosis.