Tong Ren Hospital


WANG Xiaoping

Chief Physician and Professor

PhD and MD--Neuroscience and Neurology

Shanghai General Hospital Jiading Branch, Shanghai Jiao-Tong University Med. Sch.; International Center of Chemical and biological Research, University of Karachi.

Research area: Neurodegenerative diseases; Stroke and migraine; Movement Disorders


Tel: 021-

Research Interests

  • Skills and expertise: Parkinson's Disease, Movement Disorders, Wilson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Migraine, Neurological Brain Stimulation, Substantia Nigra, Chinese Medicine, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Genotyping, Drugs, Amyloid, Neuropathies, Tau Proteins, Reaction Time, Learning and Memory, Brain. The main papers include Movement Disorders, Lancet Neurology, Alzheimer Res Their, Hepatology, European Neurology, QJMed, Neuroscience Letters, Acta Neurol Scan Function Neurol, International J Psychology, Front Neuroscience, Front Cell Neuroscience, Aging Dis, and Cell Dis Death. The results of clinical research have been delivered orally in the international conferences World Congress of Neurology and World Congress of Parkinson's and Motor Disorders. Participated in NEMJ, NJ Parkinson's Disease as coauthor. As guest Editor-in-Chief, he presided a few Current Neuropharmacol (SCI 7.8, Q1) special issues on drug treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and the guest Editor in chief of Front Neurosci (SCI 5.0) and Parkinson's Disease.