Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital


GUO Wenyi

Chief Physician

Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital

Doctoral Supervisor

Research area: Ophthalmology


Tel: 021-

Research Interests

  • Dr. Guo Wenyi’s clinical and research interests are mainly around glaucoma and optic neuropathy. He is dedicated to the research of pathogenesis and neuroprotection of glaucomatous optic nerve diseases, especially the role of autoimmune factor-mediated retinal ganglion cell injury in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. He also focuses on the characteristics, pathogenesis and treatment of glaucoma secondary to Sturge-Weber syndrome. He has extensive clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of various types of glaucoma, including primary glaucoma, secondary glaucoma and childhood glaucoma. He has taken the lead in establishing a screening platform for childhood glaucoma, built a large patient cohort of Sturge-Weber syndrome, and concentrated on developing innovative surgical procedures for refractory childhood glaucoma.