Shanghai General Hospital


XU Jing

Associate Professor

Graduate Supervisor

Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

Research area: Orthopedics


Tel: 021-

Research Interests

  • -Nanobiology and Tumor Therapy

  • Biological effects of nanomaterials (e.g. interaction between inorganic nanomaterials and proteins; autophagy induced by nanomaterials) and their application in tumor therapy, including: the discovery of specific interactions between carbon nanomaterials and cellular signaling proteins CaMKII, the clarification of  the new mechanism of CaMKII activation; the proposal of a new strategy for osteosarcoma therapy through nanomaterials induced autophagy downstream regulation.

  • -Microenvironment Regulation and Intervention Strategies of Bone Tumor.

  • The application of novel Nanoparticle Drug Delivery System in the diagnosis and treatment of osteosarcoma by regulating tumor acidic / metabolic / immune microenvironment.