Shanghai General Hospital


LI Qin

Associate chief pharmacist

Graduate Supervisor

Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

Research area: Pharmacy


Tel: 021-

Research Interests

  • I have been carrying out pharmacological research around cancer and drug resistance. The research team has found that drugs targeting EGFR in tumors can promote the formation of vascular mimicry and lead to tumor metastasis; Rho kinase is a key molecule in the formation of vascular mimicry in hepatocellular carcinoma; According to the target, the tumor inhibitory effect of some lead compounds was preliminarily proved; Then, the mechanism of drug resistance of liver cancer and the role of cancer stem cells were studied; It is confirmed that inhibition of vascular mimicry can reverse sorafenib resistance, and further explore new mechanisms and new targets to improve multi kinase inhibitors resistance.