Ottawa-Shanghai Joint School of Medicine



Deputy Chief Physician


Tel: 13818554168

Research Interests: Tumor disease of throat and voice


  • Zhang Yi, MD, associate chief doctor of otorhinolaryngology department of Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University, School of Medicine. Visiting scholar, Department of Otolaryngology, Stanford University School of Medicine. In recent years, she has published 5 SCI treatises and several papers indomestic core journals.

  • Specialization: diagnosis and treatment of throat and voice diseases and minimally invasive surgery. Diagnosis, treatment and surgical treatment of head and neck surgical diseases. Diagnosis and treatment of ear diseases and vertigo, as well as diagnosis and treatment of nasal diseases and minimally invasive surgery.


  1. 良性阵发型位置性眩晕患者手法复位及合并抗眩晕药物治疗观察,[J]华西医学,2012.1

  2. 65例慢性化脓性中耳炎伴真菌感染诊治分析,[J]上海交通大学学报(医学版),2010.10

  3. 中耳炎合并真菌感染60例分析,[J]实用诊断与治疗杂志,2008.3

  4. 正常人在模拟高速电梯上升环境中听力和鼓室压力的改变,[J]听力学及言语疾病杂志,2008.1

  5. 模拟电梯运行中对正常成年人中耳功能的影响,[J]上海交通大学学报(医学版),2007.9

  6. Comparative studies on the implantation of nano platinum black and pure platinum electrode

  7. in the rabbit orbicularis oculi muscle .The Journal of Laryngology & Otology,2014

  8. Electrical stimulation characteristics of denervated orbicularis oculi muscle  ,Neurological

  9. sciences, 2015


  1. 交通大学医工合作项目   大鼠气压损伤性中耳积液清除过程中中耳粘膜上皮钠通道的作用(YG2010MS28)2011-2014,6万,已结题,主持

  2. 科技部十一五支撑计划合作单位,前庭中枢代偿机制及眩晕疾病规范化诊断与康复治疗方案研究”(编号:2007BAI18B13),2009-2013,已结题,合作单位主持