Ottawa-Shanghai Joint School of Medicine


CAI Huajie

Deputy Chief Physician


Tel: 13817314861

Research Fields: Osteoporosis


Male, member of the Communist Party of China. He graduated from the Department of Clinical Medicine of Shanghai Second Medical University (now Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College) in 1997 and joined the affiliated Renji Hospital in the same year. After completing three years of standardized training for residents, and having accumulated basic diagnosis and treatment knowledge of common diseases in outpatient, emergency and internal medicine departments, he worked in the geriatric department until 2021. Since then, in response to the national call for medical reform, he has been transferred to the general medicine department of Renji Hospital. In 2001, he passed the examination for medical practitioners. In 2002, he was promoted to an intermediate professional title. At the same time, he was employed as the attending physician of geriatrics. In 2021, he was promoted to a deputy senior professional title. At the same time, he was employed as the deputy chief physician of geriatrics. In 2022, he was transferred to a deputy chief physician of general medicine. During the working period, he love the Party, love the motherland, love the hospital, abide by medical ethics and serve the patients wholeheartedly. He study hard to improve clinical professional ability, master the diagnosis and treatment of common elderly diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, stroke and sequelae, and have the ability to rescue critical diseases and organize rescue. After becoming a general practitioner, he will focus on the community, strengthen community interaction, and strive to become a participant, practitioner, and professor of community residents' health "gatekeeper". The current research direction is senile osteoporosis. He has written more than ten papers on osteoporosis, hypertension, cerebral blood flow, neuropathy, among which three are the first authors and one is included in SCI. Teaching work: For three consecutive years, he taught Osteoporosis for the five-year undergraduate class of Shanghai Ottawa United Medical College, and New Concept of Geriatrics - Introduction to Management of Chronic and Comorbid Diseases in Old Age for the postgraduate class of Jiaotong University Medical College.