Ottawa-Shanghai Joint School of Medicine


WU Xia

Associate chief physician


Tel: 58752345

Research Interests: 妇科肿瘤


Dr. Xia Wu, who graduated from Fudan University, School of Medicine, with a Doctor’s degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology, has been engaged in the clinical field for more than 15 years. Currently, her clinical work focuses on comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of gynecological tumors, especially chemotherapy and immunotherapy for advanced, refractory gynecologic malignancies.


  1. Tao M, Sun F, Wang J, Wang Y, Zhu H, Chen M, Liu L, Liu L, Lin H, Wu X. Developing patient-derived organoids to predict PARP inhibitor response and explore resistance overcoming strategies in ovarian cancer. Pharmacol Res. 2022 May;179:106232.

  2. Tao M, Wu X. The role of patient-derived ovarian cancer organoids in the study of PARP inhibitors sensitivity and resistance: from genomic analysis to functional testing. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2021 Oct 26;40(1):338.

  3. Tao M, Cheng J, Wu X. Niraparib as Maintenance Therapy in Germline ATM-mutated and Somatic BRCA2-mutated Ovarian Cancer with Brain Metastases: A Case Report and Literature Review. Onco Targets Ther. 2020 Dec 18;13:12979-12986.