Ottawa-Shanghai Joint School of Medicine


WANG Jianmin

Position: Director of Cell Transplantation Ward,Head of Palliative Care Team, Department of Hematology/Oncology, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai Childrens’ Medical Center


Tel: 021-38626161-82046

Specialty: Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation; Pediatric Palliative Care


Mainly engaged in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) for childhood leukemia, severe aplastic anemia, severe thalassemia, inherited bone marrow failure, primary immunodeficiency diseases, congenital genetic metabolic diseases, especially focus on HSCT for complicated and rare diseases and palliative care for severe diseases. The transplant team won the second prize of Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Award (Research on Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Childhood Malignancies and Congenital Defects), Soong Ching Ling Pediatric Medicine Award (Optimization of Key Technologies of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and Application in the Field of Rare Diseases in Children), and the first prize of Jinuo Pediatric Medical Technology Award (“Multi-center and Multi-disciplinary Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Children with Mucopolysaccharidosis”), etc. Established the first pediatric palliative care service in children's tertiary hospital in china. In 2017, the palliative care team won the Shanghai Medical Service Brand. Scholarly and professional academic activities include Member of Youth Committee of Chinese Pediatric Society, Chinese Medical Association, Member of Youth Committee of Group of Hematology/Oncology, Chinese Pediatric Society, Chinese Medical Association, Vice-chairman, Sub-group of Pediatric Palliative Care, Group of Hematology/Oncology, Chinese Pediatric Society, Chinese Medical Association,Member of Youth Committee of Shanghai Pediatric Society, Shanghai Medical Association.


  • Anan Zhang, Ling Bing, Qiang Mi, Fen Zhou, Jianmin Wang*. Pediatric Palliative Care for Children with Cancer in a Children's Tertiary Hospital in China: Six-Year Experience of a Pediatric Palliative Care Service Palliat Med Rep. 2021 Jan 6;2(1):1-8

  • Wang Z, Xu Y,Jiang E, Wang, J, Tomatsu S, Shen K. Pathophysiology of Hip Disorders in Patients with Mucopolysaccharidosis IVA, Diagnostics (Basel). 2020 29;10(5):264

  • M. Taylor, S. Khan, M. Stapleton, J. Wang, J. Chen et al. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for mucopolysaccharidoses; past, present, and future. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2019 Jul 25(7): 1-21

  • Bing Ling, Wang Jianmin*, Zhou fen, et al. Comparison of different modes of patient-controlled analgesia for pediatric patients with non-surgical, cancer pain. Journal of Nursing Science, 2018, 33 (3), 63-66

  • Jianmin Wang, Zuo Luan, Hua Jiang, Jianpei Fang, Maoquan Qin, Vincent Lee, Jing Chen,* et al. Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Thirty-Four Pediatric Cases of Mucopolysaccharidosis—A Ten-Year Report from the China Children Transplant Group. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 22(2016) 2100-2108