Ottawa-Shanghai Joint School of Medicine


WANG Lanlan




Tel: 15026487526


Lanlan Wang M.D. , associate chief psychiatrist, registered psychotherapist. She is executive deputy director of medical psychology department of Shanghai first general hospital, Member of the Psychoanalysis Special Committee of the Chinese Association of Mental Health, Youth member of Behavioral Medicine Branch of Shanghai Medical Association, Youth member of the 4th Mental Health Center Management Committee of Shanghai Hospital Association. She graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University medical school and got the Doctoral degree for psychiatry and mental health in 2012. She has been engaged in the clinical, teaching and research of lifelong personality development problems, anxiety and depression disorders and psychosomatic disorders for 20 years. She practices dynamic psychotherapy, mindfulness cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, as well as CALM therapy for cancer patients. She had finished Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China No. 81000591 and Harvard research project No. 5D43TW005809-08 about  borderline personality disorder and published related articles. She has involved in the translation of many psychological works, such as Psychodynamic therapy of personality pathology, DBT skills Training Manual: Second Edition, DBT skills training Handouts and Worksheets, Mourning and Melancholia by Freud, etc. She has also joined the compilation of textbooks such as Medical Psychology edited by Zhang Haiyin, Psychotherapy edited by Zhao Xudong, etc.


  • Wang LL., Ross CA., Zhang TH., et al. The Frequency of Borderline Personality Disorder Among Psychiatric Outpatients at Shanghai. J Pers Disord. 2012 Jun;26(3):393-401.

  • Lanlan WANG, Zeping XIAO. The need to establish diagnostic criteria for borderline personality disorder in China. 上海精神医学 2012 ,24(4):231-232

  • 王兰兰,江开达,肖泽萍. 边缘型人格障碍诊断演进. 医学研究杂志,2012,41(11):196-201

  • 王兰兰,肖泽萍 边缘型人格障碍遗传学研究 医学研究杂志2011,40(7):22-26

  • 王兰兰,张天宏,肖泽萍. 上海市精神卫生中心门诊边缘型人格障碍共病情况调查. 上海精神医学2007,19(3):136-139

  • 王兰兰,肖泽萍. 边缘型人格障碍的检测工具及其在国内的使用情况.国际精神医学. 2007,34(2):112-115

  • Lanlan Wang, Chengmei Yuan, Jianyin Qiu, John Gunderson, Min Zhang, Freedom Leung, Jie Zhong*, Zeping Xiao*. Reliability and Validity of a Chinese version of the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines-Revised (DIB-R). Asia-Pacific Psychiatry 6 (2014) 326–333

  • 王兰兰,王振,禹顺英等.童年创伤与5-HTT基因多态性的交互作用对边缘型人格障碍形成的影响.上海交通大学学报(医学版)2015,35(10):1468-1473.

  • 王兰兰; 禹顺英; 崔东红; 王雪梅; 苑成梅; 张敏; 肖泽萍* 候选基因与儿童期创伤交互作用对边缘型人格障碍形成机制的研究,中华医学会第十次全国精神医学学术会议,2012-10-18,中国江苏南京

  • Wang, L.L.1, Cui, D.H.2, Wang, X.M.2, Yuan, C.M.1, Zhang, M.1, Qiu, J.Y.1, Zhang, H.Y.1, Jiang, K.D.2, Xiao, Z.P*.1 Interaction of candidate genes (5-HTTLPR, GRIN2B) and childhood trauma to the development of borderline personality disorder in Chinese Han samples. World psychiatric association international congress 2013, Oct. 27-30,2013, Vienna, Austria

  • Wang, L., Wang, Q., Jiang, W. et al. Efficacy of brief dynamic interpersonal therapy in patients with major depressive disorder: a prospective, multicenter randomized controlled trial protocol. Trials 21, 673 (2020).

  • 赵文清, 李小平, 王兰兰, 张海音, 宋立升, & 仇剑崟. 精神专科医院从业现状及心理治疗的开展情况调查分析. 上海交通大学学报:医学版, 37(12).