School of Pediatrics


HUANG Wenyan

Chief Physician


Research Interests: Children's kidney and immunity


Wenyan Huang, M.D. in pediatric nephrology from Nanjing Medical University, postdoctoral fellow in pediatric nephrology from Georgetown University, is the director of the Department of Nephrology and Rheumatology and Immunology of Shanghai Children's Hospital. Since 1990, he has specialized in clinical, teaching and scientific research of pediatric nephrology and rheumatology. He has participated in the completion of more than 20 national, provincial and departmental level projects. He has presided over and completed 4 national natural funds and participated in 2 national public relations projects. His main research interests are pediatric kidney and immunity, including the pathogenesis of refractory nephrotic syndrome, molecular regulation mechanism of fibrosis. He has received more than 20 awards and has published more than 80 first-author (corresponding author) articles. He has published more than 80 first-author (corresponding author) professional articles. He has co-edited 8 professional books.