SHEN Xiuhua
Xiuhua Shen
Ph.D., M.D.RD, Professor
Dean of the Department of Clinical Nutrition
College of Health Science and Technology,Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
Chief Physician,Department of Clinical Nutrition, Shanghai Xinhua Hospital.
Education & training background
1990/ 09 ~ 1995/07 Bachelor, Major: Medical Nutrition. Department of Nutrition ,School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University ,
1998/ 09 ~ 2001/07 Master, Major: Nutrition and Food Hygiene. Department of
Nutrition ,School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
2004/ 09 ~ 2007/07 Ph.D., Clinical Nutrition Center ,Xinhua hospital .School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2007/09 ~ 2008/03 Visiting fellow, Division of Nutritional Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
2013.10 ~ 2014.11 Visiting Scientist, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA
Working Experience
1995 /07 ~1998/08 Assistant Professor , Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
2001/07 ~ present Assistant Professor , associated professor ,and now professor, Department of Nutrition , School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2011/03~ Present part time chief physician,Department of Clinical Nutrition, Shanghai Xin Hua Hospital.
Professional membership
Member of Chinese Nutrition Society
Member of Registered Dietitian Working Committee of Chinese Nutrition Society
Member of Standing Committee of Chinese Nutrition Society Drinking Water and Health Branch
Member of Chinese Nutrition Society Medical Food and Nutrition Support Branch,
Deputy Secretary general of Shanghai Nutrition Society,
Member of Shanghai Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Branch
Committee member of Shanghai Associate of Food Therapy
Research Interests
Dietary patterns and disease;
Diet prevention and intervention of obesity and related chronic diseases;
Selected publication of books
Food Nutrition, Shanghai Jiao Ttong University Press, 2020 (Editor in chief)
Meat,egg,milk, bean and health. Shanghai Popular Science Press,2013, (Editor in chief)
Selected publication of articles
Gu Q, Wang X, Xie L, Yao X, Qian L, Yu Z, Shen X. Green tea catechin EGCG could prevent obesity-related precocious puberty through NKB/NK3R signaling pathway. J Nutr Biochem. 2022;108:109085. (Q1, I F=6.117)
Xie L, Tang Q, Yao D, Gu Q, Zheng H, Wang X, Yu Z and Shen X. Effect of Decaffeinated Green Tea Polyphenols on Body Fat and Precocious Puberty in Obese Girls: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Front. Endocrinol. 12:736724. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2021.736724. (Q1, IF=5.555)
Kaijie Xu, Xueying Cui, Bian Wang, Qingya Tang, Jianfang Cai, Xiuhua Shen. Healthy adult vegetarians have better renal function than matched omnivores: a cross sectional study in China.Bmc Nephrology. 2020; 21:268
Gu Qiuyun, Cui Xueying, Du Kun, Wang Bian, Cai Wei, Tang Qingya, Shen Xiuhua. Higher toenail selenium is associated with increased insulin resistance risk in omnivores, but not in vegetarians. Nutrition & metabolism. 2020;17:62.
Wu Y, Gu Q, Cui X, Zhu Z, Zang J, Wang Z, Wu F, Shen X. Higher poultry consumption was associated with an earlier age at menarche. Acta Paediatr. 2020;00:1-7 doi: 10.1111/apa.15554. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32869361.
Shen X, Jin C, Wu Y, Zhang Y, Wang X, Huang W, Li J, Wu S*,Gao X*.Prospective study of perceived dietary salt intake and the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.J Hum Nutr Diet.2019. 32(6): 802-809
Shen X, Wu S,Xu R,Wu Y,Li J,Cui L, Shu R,Gao X.Neck circumference is associated with hyperuricemia: a cross-sectional study. Clinical rheumatology. 2019;38: 2373–2381
Cui, X.Wang, B.Wu, Y.Xie, L.Xun, P.Tang, Q.Cai, W* .Shen, Xiuhua*. Vegetarians have a lower fasting insulin level and higher insulin sensitivity than matched omnivores: A cross-sectional study. Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD. 2019;29(5):467-73.
Xie L, Wang B, Cui X, Tang Q, Cai W, Shen X*. Young adult vegetarians in Shanghai have comparable bone health to omnivores despite lower serum 25(OH) vitamin D in vegans: a cross-sectional study. Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition. 2019;28(2):383-8.
Xiuhua Shen, Tang W, Yu Z, Cai W*. The history and development of registered dietitian accreditation systems in China and other comparable countries. Nutrition research (New York, NY). 2018 Jul 10. PubMed PMID: 30077351. Epub 2018/08/06. eng.
Xiuhua Shen, Cai J, Gao J, Vaidya A, Liu X, Li W, Chen, S.Zhou, Y.Li, Y.Zhang, Y.Zhao, J.Hu, F. B.Wu, S.Gao, X. NON-ALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE AND RISK OF DIABETES: A PROSPECTIVE STUDY IN CHINA. Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. 2018 Jul 5. PubMed PMID: 29975579. Epub 2018/07/06. eng.
Xiuhua Shen, Vaidya A, Wu S, Gao X*.The diabetes epidemic in China: An integrated review of national surveys[J]. Endocrine Practice, 2016,22(9):1119-1129
Wu Y, Wang J, Cai W, Shen Xiuhua*. Could tea polyphenols be beneficial for preventing the precocious puberty?[J]. Medical Hypotheses, 2016, 95:24-26.
Xiuhua Shen,Xiang Gao*, Wenjing Tang, Xuanxia Mao, Jingyan Huang, Wei Cai*. Food insecurity and malnutrition in Chinese elementary school students. British Journal of Nutriton, 2015; 114(6):952-8
Wenjing Tang,Huanlei Song, Wei Cai*, and Xiuhua Shen*. Real time monitoring of inhibition of adipogenesis and angiogenesis by (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and human umbilical vein endothelials cells. Nutrients 2015,7,1-16
XiuHua Shen, Qing Ya Tang, Juan Huang,Wei Cai*. Vitamin E regulates adipocytokine expression in a rat model of dietary-induced obesity. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2010; 235: 47–51.
Xiuhua Shen*, Wufeng Cheng, Xuanhai Li, Jianqin Sun, Feng Li, Ma Ling, Liangmin Xie *, Effects of dietary supplementation with vitamin E and selenium on rat hepatic stellate cell apoptosis, World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2005, 11(32): 4957-4961