School of Public Health


XU Lan


Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health


Tel: +86(0)21-63846590-776157


Lan Xu has diplomas of MSc and PhD in Statistics and Health Sciences. She got involved in cancer research in Europe in 2013. She had seven years of working experience at the Unit of Cancer Epidemiology, which is part of the Belgian Cancer Centre at the Scientific Institute of Public Health in Brussels (Sciensano). She participated in several international research projects funded by the European Commission, members of the European Union, and other innovative research fundings. Her main research interests are cervical cancer prevention and other HPV-related diseases research. Her activity deals with Cochrane reviews and meta-analyses regarding cervical cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment of screen-detected cervical cancer precursors, and HPV vaccination. She is also specialized in epidemiological and statistical modeling. With her international training and working experience, Dr. Xu expands her research interests toward other chronic and infectious diseases, including Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Coronavirus Disease 2019, etc.

Scientific Publications

  1. Arbyn M, Simon M, Peeters E, Xu L, Meijer CJLM, Berkhof J, Cuschieri K, Bonde J, Ostrbenk Vanlencak A, Zhao FH, Rezhake R, Gultekin M, Dillner J, de Sanjosé S, Canfell K, Hillemanns P, Almonte M, Wentzensen N, Poljak M. 2020 list of human papillomavirus assays suitable for primary cervical cancer screening. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2021 Aug;27(8):1083-1095. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2021.04.031. Epub 2021 May 8.

  2. Xu L, Ostrebenk A, Poljak M, Arbyn M. Evaluation and optimization of the clinical accuracy of Hybribio’s 14 High-risk HPV with 16/18 Genotyping assay within the VALGENT-3 framework. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2020; 58.

  3. Xu L, Selk A, Garland SM, Bogliatto F, Kyrgiou M, Weyers S, Arbyn M. Prophylactic vaccination against human papillomaviruses to prevent vulval and vaginal cancer and their precursors. Expert Review of Vaccines 2019;18(11):1157-1166.

  4. Xu L, Benoy I, Cuschieri K, Poljak M, Bonde J and Arbyn M. Accuracy of genotyping for HPV16 and 18 to triage women with low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions: a pooled analysis of VALGENT studies. Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics 2019; 19(6): 543-51.

  5. Benoy I*, Xu L*, Vanden Broeck D, Poljak M, Oštrbenk Valenčak A, Arbyn M, Bogers J. Using the VALGENT-3 framework to assess the clinical and analytical performance of the RIATOL qPCR HPV genotyping assay 2019. J Clin Virol 120:57–62.

  6. *Joint first authors

  7. Xu L, Padalko E, Ostrebenk A, Poljak M, Arbyn M. Clinical evaluation of INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping EXTRA II assay using the VALGENT framework. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2018;19(9).pii:E2704.

  8. Arbyn M*, Xu L*, Simons C, Martin-Hirsch PPL. Prophylactic vaccination against human papillomaviruses to prevent cervical cancer and its precursors. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, Issue 5. Art. No.: CD009069.

  9. *Joint first authors

  10. Xu L, Ostrebenk A, Poljak M, Arbyn M. Assessment of the Roche Linear Array HPV Genotyping test within the VALGENT framework. Journal of  Clinal Virology 2018; 98:37-42.

  11. Xu L, Verdoodt F, Wentzensen N, Bergeron C, Arbyn M. Triage of ASC-H: A meta-analysis of the accuracy of high-risk HPV testing and other markers to detect cervical precancer. Cancer Cytopathology 2016;124: 261-72.

  12. Arbyn M, Xu L, Verdoodt F, et al. Genotyping for human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 in women with minor cervical lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med 2017;166: 118-27.

  13. Arbyn M and Xu L, Efficacy and safety of prophylactic HPV vaccines. A Cochrane review of randomised trials. Expert Revierw of Vaccines. 17 (12):1085-1091, 2018.

  14. Heideman DAM, Xu L, Hesselink AT, Doorn S, Ejegod DM, Pedersen H, Quint WGV, Bonde J, Arbyn M. Clinical performance of the HPV-Risk assay on cervical samples in SurePath medium using the VALGENT-4 panel. Journal of Clinical Virology 2019 121:104201–1.

  15. Bonde JH, Pedersen H, Quint W, Xu L, Arbyn M, Ejegod DM. Clinical and analytical performance of the BD Onclarity HPV Assay with SurePath screening samples from the Danish cervical screening program using the VALGENT framework. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2020.

  16. Polman NJ, Ostrbenk A, Xu L, et al. Evaluation of the clinical performance of the HPV-Risk assay using the VALGENT-3 panel. J Clin Microbiol 2017; 55:3544–3551.

  17. Arbyn M, Xu L, Wentzensen N. HPV test results provide useful risk stratification information in women with ASC-H Pap test findings.  Cancer Cytopathol 2016;124: 754-5.