School of Public Health


WANG Guanghe

Associate Professor

Department of Environmental Health


Tel: +86(0)21-63846590-776197

Research Areas: Relationships between air pollution and human health


Dr. Wang is an associate professor in the Department of Environmental Health at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. She received her PhD at Fudan University in China in 2013, and then performed her post-doctorate at University of Pittsburgh and Harvard University.

Research Projects

  • 2016-2018 NSFC, Effects of PM2.5 on lung cells and vascular endothelial cell via MAPKs-NF-κB signaling pathway, PI.

  • 2018-2021 University Startup Fund, Effects and possible mechanisms of PM2.5 on vascular endothelial cell, PI.

Selected Publications

  1. Guanghe Wang*, Xiaofeng Zhang, Xinyan Liu, et al. Co-culture of human alveolar epithelial (A549) and macrophage (THP-1) cells to study the potential toxicity of ambient PM2.5: a comparison of growth under ALI and submerged conditions. Toxicology Research, 2020,9:636-651.

  2. Guanghe Wang*, Xiaofeng Zhang, Xinyan Liu, et al. Ambient fine particulate matter induce toxicity in lung epithelial-endothelial co-culture models,Toxicology letters,2019,301,133-145.

  3. Guanghe Wang*, Wenjing Liu, Weimin Song. Toxicity assessment of electronic cigarettes, Inhalation toxicology,2019,31(7):259-273.