Professor Tariq Enver joined University College London in 2010 as Head of the Department of Cancer Biology and subsequently was appointed Vice Dean Research of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. Professor Enver became the Director of UCL's Cancer Institute in 2013 and stepped down after 11 years in 2024. He is co-Director of the CRUK UCL Centre, a focal point for cancer research at UCL, bringing together researchers and clinicians from UCL and its partner hospital trusts to accelerate cancer research discoveries. He is the lead for the Cancer Research UK City of London Centre, which brings together world-leading researchers from UCL, King’s College London, Queen Mary University of London and the Francis Crick Institute to enable London to become a global centre of excellence for biotherapeutics.
Professor Enver studies the genetic circuitry of stem cells, how this may be utilized in the context of transplantation and regenerative medicine and crucially how it is corrupted in the pathogenesis of cancer, particularly in the context of the origins, evolution and targeting of childhood leukaemia. He is a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), the 1000 Talents program in China and Visiting Professor at Lund University in Sweden. He sits on the CRUK Science Committee, Bloodwise Research Committee and is co-director for the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona.
Host: Dengli Hong, Professor | Department of Pathophysiology
Time: 2025-1-16 (Thursday)11:15-12:15
Venu: Library Lecture Hall