多光子成像结合电生理记录 |
平面微电极阵列记录 |
在体电生理记录 |
超微深部脑成像 |
病毒转染与神经束示踪 |
光学/化学遗传学 |
药物筛选与药理学分析 |
转基因动物资源与行为分析 |
脑疾病模型 |
徐天乐,上海交通大学特聘教授,国家杰青获得者。现任中国生理学会副理事长,上海市神经科学会理事长,上海交大医学院-解剖学与生理学系主任、松江研究院执行院长和上海儿童医学中心-儿童脑科学中心主任。曾先后担任科技部“973”项目《重要新型膜离子通道门控和调节机制的结构基础》以及科技创新2030-“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目《情绪情感演化及与认知互作的神经环路机制》的首席科学家。聚焦酸敏感离子通道作用机制、异常调控和新型干预策略研究,已在包括Neuron、eLife、Nat Commun、Sci Adv、Cell Rep、J Neurosci等发表研究论文140余篇。编写首部ASIC英文专著《Nonclassical ion channels in the nervous system》。获张香桐神经科学青年科学家奖和谈家桢生命科学创新奖;上海市自然科学奖一等奖、上海市育才奖、上海市教卫工作党委系统“优秀共产党员”及“师德标兵”;上海交通大学“教书育人奖”一等奖和首届”上海交通大学佳和优秀导师奖“等。培养研究生50余名,其中有16人已在国内、外知名高校和科研机构任职独立PI。
序号 |
姓名 |
现所属单位及职位 |
在实验室时间 |
1 |
伍龙军 |
Professor, Mayo College of Medicine and Science, Mayo Clinic, USA |
1999-2004 (硕博研究生) |
2 |
董先平 |
Associate Professor, Dalhousie University, Canada |
1999-2002 (博士研究生) |
3 |
李 勇 |
上海交通大学医学院特聘教授,研究员 |
2000-2003 (博士研究生) |
4 |
吕 辉 |
Assistant Professor, George Washington University, USA |
2000-2003 (硕士研究生) |
5 |
高 隽 |
南京医科大学教授,神经生物学系主任, 基金委优秀青年基金获得者 |
2001-2006 (博士/博后) |
6 |
张 智 |
中国科学技术大学生命科学学院教授,基金委杰出青年基金获得者,科技部青年973项目首席科学家 |
2001-2008 (硕博研究生) |
7 |
章 文 |
北京大学,研究员 |
2001-2008 (硕博研究生) |
8 |
段 波 |
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan, USA |
2002-2010 (硕博/博后) |
9 |
龚 能 |
中国科学院神经科学研究所,研究员 |
2002-2010 (硕博/博后) |
10 |
江 鹏 |
Assistant Professor, Rutgers University, USA |
2002-2007 (硕博研究生) |
11 |
章小兵 |
Assistant Professor, Florida State University, USA |
2003-2008 (博士研究生) |
12 |
于 烨 |
中国药科大学教授,基金委优秀青年基金获得者 |
2006-2010 (博士后) |
13 |
王德广 |
徐州医科大学医学影像学院党委书记,教授 |
2000-2003 (博士研究生) |
14 |
王 炜 |
中国科学技术大学附属第一医院(安徽省立医院)主任医师,教授 |
2002-2007 (硕博研究生) |
15 |
李伟广 |
复旦大学脑科学转化研究院,研究员 |
2006-2013 (硕博/博后) |
16 |
刘明刚 |
上海交通大学医学院,研究员 |
2014-至今 (青年教师) |
1. 科技部科技创新2030-“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目,批准号:2021ZD0202800,情绪情感演化及与认知互作的神经环路机制,2021-12至2026-11,3900万元,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会重点项目,批准号:31930050,恐惧记忆消退后重现的神经生物学机制,2020-01-01至2024-12-31,308万元,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金委员会国际(地区)合作与交流项目,批准号:81961128024,慢性痛大脑皮层可塑性的新机制研究,2020-01-01至2024-12-31,300万元,主持
4. 上海市市级科技重大专项,批准号:2018SHZDZX05, 恐惧记忆消退的介观神经环路基础研究,2018-07至2023-06,442.43万元,子课题负责人
1. Wang Q#, Zhu JJ#, Wang L, Kan YP, Liu YM, Wu YJ, Gu X, Yi X, Lin ZJ, Wang Q, Lu JF, Jiang Q, Li Y, Liu MG, Xu NJ, Zhu MX, Wang LY, Zhang S*, Li WG*, Xu TL* (2022) Insular cortical circuits as an executive gateway to decipher threat or extinction memory via distinct subcortical pathways. Nature Communications, 13(1): 5540.
2. Gu X#, Wu YJ#, Zhang Z, Zhu JJ, Wu XR, Wang Q, Yi X, Lin ZJ, Jiao ZH, Xu M, Jiang Q, Li Y, Xu NJ, Zhu MX, Wang LY, Jiang F*, Xu TL*, Li WG* (2022) Dynamic tripartite construct of interregional engram circuits underlies forgetting of extinction memory. Molecular Psychiatry, 27(10): 4077-4091.
3. Azoulay IS#, Qi X#, Rozenfeld M, Liu F, Hu Q, Ben Kasus Nissim T, Stavsky A, Zhu MX*, Xu TL*, Sekler I* (2022) ASIC1a senses lactate uptake to regulate metabolism in neurons. Redox Biology, 51:102253.
4. Li WG#, Wu YJ#, Gu X#, Fan HR, Wang Q, Zhu JJ, Yi X, Wang Q, Jiang Q, Li Y, Yuan TF, Xu H, Lu J, Xu NJ, Zhu MX, Xu TL* (2021) Input associativity underlies fear memory renewal. National Science Review 8(9): nwab004.
5. Wang JJ#, Liu F#, Yang F, Wang YZ, Qi X, Li Y, Hu Q*, Zhu MX*, Xu TL* (2020) Disruption of auto-inhibition underlies conformational signaling of ASIC1a to induce neuronal necroptosis. Nature Communications, 11(1):475.
6. Su X#, Chen M#, Yuan Y, Li Y, Guo SS, Luo HQ, Huang C, Sun W, Li Y, Zhu MX, Liu MG*, Hu J*, Xu TL* (2019) Central processing of itch in the midbrain reward center. Neuron, 102(4):858-872.
7. Li HS#, Su XY#, Song XL, Qi X, Li Y, Wang RQ, Maximyuk O, Krishtal O, Wang TT, Fang HQ, Liao LJ, Cao H, Zhang YQ, Zhu MX, Liu MG*, Xu TL* (2019) Protein kinase C lambda mediates acid-sensing ion channel 1a-dependent cortical synaptic plasticity and pain hypersensitivity, Journal of Neuroscience, 39(29): 5773-5793.
8. Wang Q#, Wang Q#, Song XL, Jiang Q, Wu YJ, Li Y, Yuan TF, Zhang S, Xu NJ, Zhu MX, Li WG*, Xu TL* (2018) Fear extinction requires ASIC1a-dependent regulation of hippocampal-prefrontal correlates. Science Advances, 4(10): eaau3075.
9. Yu Z#, Wu YJ#, Wang YZ, Liu DS, Song XL, Jiang Q, Li Y, Zhang SY, Xu NJ, Zhu MX, Li WG*, Xu TL* (2018) ASIC1a mediates striatal synapse remodeling and procedural motor learning. Science Signaling, 11(542): eaar4481.
10. Li WG#, Liu MG#, Deng S#, Liu YM, Shang L, Ding J, Hsu TT, Jiang Q, Li Y, Li F*, Zhu MX*, Xu TL* (2016) ASIC1a regulates insular long-term depression and is required for the extinction of conditioned taste aversion. Nature Communications, 7: 13770.
11. Wang YZ#, Wang JJ#, Huang Y, Liu F, Zeng WZ, Li Y, Xiong ZG, Zhu MX, Xu TL* (2015) Tissue acidosis induces neuronal necroptosis via ASIC1a channel independent of its ionic conduction. eLife.4: e05682.
12. Peng Z#, Li WG#, Huang C, Jiang YM, Wang X, Zhu MX, Cheng X*, Xu TL* (2015) ASIC3 mediates itch sensation in response to coincident stimulation by acid and nonproton ligand. Cell Reports, 13(2): 387-398.
13. Wang YZ, Zeng WZ, Xiao X, Huang Y, Song XL, Yu Z, Tang D, Dong XP, Zhu MX, Xu TL* (2013) Intracellular ASIC1a regulates mitochondrial permeability transition-dependent neuronal death. Cell Death and Differentiation, 20(10): 1359-1369.
14. Zeng WZ, Liu DS, Duan B, Song XL, Wang X, Wei D, Jiang W, Zhu MX, Li Y, Xu TL* (2013) Molecular mechanism of constitutive endocytosis of acid-sensing ion channel 1a and its protective function in acidosis-induced neuronal death. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(16): 7066-7078.
15. Wang X, Li WG, Yu Y, Xiao X, Cheng J, Zeng WZ, Peng Z, Zhu MX, Xu TL* (2013) Serotonin facilitates peripheral pain sensitivity in a manner that depends on the nonproton ligand sensing domain of ASIC3 channel. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(10): 4265-4279.
16. Duan B#, Liu DS#, Huang Y, Zeng WZ, Wang X, Yu H, Zhu MX, Chen ZY, Xu TL* (2012) PI3-kinase/Akt pathway-regulated membrane insertion of Acid-sensing ion channel 1a underlies BDNF-induced pain hypersensitivity. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(18): 6351-6363.
17. Duan B#, Wang YZ#, Yang T, Chu XP, Yu Y, Huang Y, Cao H, Hansen J, Simon RP, Zhu MX, Xiong ZG, Xu TL* (2011) Extracellular spermine exacerbates ischemic neuronal injury through sensitization of ASIC1a channels to extracellular acidosis. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(6): 2101-2112.
18. Yu Y#, Chen Z#, Li WG#, Cao H, Feng EG, Yu F, Liu H, Jiang H*, Xu TL* (2010) A nonproton ligand sensor in the acid-sensing ion channel. Neuron, 68(1): 61-72.
19. Pan X#, Gong N#, Zhao J, Yu Z, Gu F, Chen J, Sun X, Zhao L, Yu M, Xu Z, Dong W, Qin Y, Fei G, Zhong C*, Xu TL* (2010) Powerful beneficial effects of benfotiamine on cognitive impairment and beta-amyloid deposition in amyloid precursor protein/presenilin-1 transgenic mice. Brain, 133(5): 1342-1351.
20. Xu TL*, Gong N (2010) Glycine and glycine receptor signaling in hippocampal neurons: diversity, function and regulation. Progress in Neurobiology, 91(4): 349-361.
21. Yang H#, Yu Y#, Li WG, Yu F, Cao H, Xu TL*, Jiang H* (2009) Inherent dynamics of the acid-sensing ion channel 1 correlates with the gating mechanism. PLoS Biology, 7(7): e1000151.
22. Xu TL*, Duan B (2009) Calcium-permeable acid-sensing ion channel in nociceptive plasticity: a new target for pain control. Progress in Neurobiology, 87(3): 171-180.
23. Gong N, Li Y, Cai GQ, Niu RF, Fang Q, Wu K, Chen Z, Lin LN, Xu L, Fei J, Xu TL* (2009) GABA transporter-1 activity modulates hippocampal theta oscillation and theta burst stimulation-induced long-term potentiation. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(50): 15836-15845.
24. Zhang Z, Gong N, Wang W, Xu L, Xu TL* (2008) Bell-shaped D-serine actions on hippocampal long-term depression and spatial memory retrieval. Cerebral Cortex, 18(10): 2391-2401.
25. Zhang LH#, Gong N#, Fei D, Xu L, Xu TL* (2008) Glycine uptake regulates hippocampal network activity via glycine receptor-mediated tonic inhibition. Neuropsychopharmacology, 33(3):701-711.
26. Duan B, Wu LJ, Yu YQ, Ding Y, Jing L, Xu L, Chen J*, Xu TL* (2007) Upregulation of acid-sensing ion channel ASIC1a in spinal dorsal horn neurons contributes to inflammatory pain hypersensitivity. Journal of Neuroscience, 27(41): 11139-11148.
27. Gao J, Duan B, Wang DG, Deng XH, Zhang GY, Xu L, Xu TL* (2005) Coupling between NMDA receptor and acid-sensing ion channel contributes to ischemic neuronal death. Neuron, 48(4):635-646.
《Nonclassical Ion Channels in the Nervous System》(主编)
上海市教卫工作党委系统优秀共产党员/ 师德标兵