  作者:  2018-12-31
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1、 消化系统肿瘤发生发展的机制探讨及其靶向治疗的研究

2、 胃癌的造血干细胞来源和机制

3、 XPC codon 939 多态性和黄曲霉素B1相关的肝癌之间的 流行病学研究

个人简历 >>>

       傅国辉,医学博士,博士生导师,病理学教授,留学归国人员。现任上海交通大学病理中心主任,上海交通大学医学科学研究院课题组长。入选上海领军人才,担任国家科技奖和教育部科技奖评审专家,国家自然科学基金终审专家,中国女医师协会病理专家委员会委员,中华医学会上海病理专业委员会委员。长期从事肿瘤发生、分子分型及靶向治疗研究,作为课题负责人承担国家自然科学基金重点项目和面上项目、国家863、上海市支撑计划、上海市基础重点项目等多项课题,参加了国家973项目。发现了在肿瘤诊断中具有重要应用价值的分子标志物,阐明了致病机制,建立了肿瘤发生的新理论。以第一或通讯作者在国际重要学术期刊Oncogene、Hepatology、J Mol Med、Int J cancer、Br J Hematol、Biochemistry-US等发表了系列论文。长期致力于病理学人才培养,指导25名博士、7名硕士完成学位论文并获得学位。获2012年度上海市育才奖,2013-2014年度上海市三八红旗手称号。

科研项目 >>>

2011BA203191 基于分子标志物的胃癌早期诊断、分子分型 十二五攀登计划(子课题) 2013-01~2015-12  240万元   子课题负责人

SQ2012CC037148 赖氨酸翻译后修饰及对蛋白质功能的调控作用 973重大研究项目 2013-01~2017-12  80万元   子课题负责人

81171939 NF-kB p65/miR-23a-27a-24-2 cluster负反馈调控异常在低分化胃腺癌发生及红系分化障碍中作用的研究  国家自然基金委,面上项目 2012-01~2016-12  60万元   课题负责人

20100073110067 miR-23-24-27 cluster在胃癌发生中作用的研究 教育部博士点基金 2011-01~2013-12  6万元   课题负责人

30971115 microRNA在红细胞终极分化及胃癌发生中关联作用的研究 国家自然基金,面上项目 2010-01~2012-12  35万元   课题负责人

30770960 阴离子交换蛋白异常在胃癌发生中作用的研究 国家自然基金委,面上项目 2008-01~2010-12  34万元   课题负责人

2008AA02Z120 阴离子交换蛋白1基因突变及表达异常在胃癌诊断治疗中的应用 863科技部 2008-01~2010-12  288万元   课题负责人

08JC1413400 NF-κB p65激动剂与胃泌素联合降低胃粘膜局部酸碱度对造血干细胞转化为胃癌的阻断作用研究 上海市科委基础重点项目 2008-01~2011-12  10万元   课题负责人

30570697 p16功能调控的新机制及其肿瘤相关性研究 国家自然基金委,面上项目 2006-01~2008-12  25万元   课题负责人

30230160 3蛋白C端域在细胞增殖和凋亡过程中作用的 研究  国家自然基金重点项目 2003-01~2005-12  100万元   课题负责人

30170348 红细胞膜带3蛋白C端域与血型糖蛋白A相互作用的研究 国家自然基金面上项目 2002-01~2002-12  18万元   课题负责人

39970291 Band3蛋白关联的一种新活性蛋白酶的纯化、基因克隆及其特性研究 国家自然基金面上项目 2000-01~2002-12  11万元   课题负责人

论文与专著 >>>

Wang T, Fei HJ , Yang Y, Jiang XS, Yan M, Zeng Z, Wu J, Song LJ, Tian H, Fu GH (通讯作者)   Expression of AE1/p16 promoted degradation of AE2 in gastric cancer cells   BMC Cancer   2016   Sep 5;16:716   

Zu LD, Xue YJ, Wang JL, Fu YJ, Wang XM, Xiao G, Hao MG, Sun XQ, Wang YY, Fu GH and Wang JH   The feedback loop between miR-124 and TGF-β pathway plays a significant role in non-small cell lung cancer metastasis   Carcinogenesis   2016   Vol. 37, No. 3, 333–343   

Fei HJ, Zu LD, Wu J, Jiang XS, Wang JL, Chin YE, Fu GH (通讯作者)   PCAF acts as a gastric cancer suppressor through a novel PCAF-p16-CDK4 axis   Am J Cancer Res   2016   1;6(12):2772-2786   

Zhang YC, Ye H, Zeng Z, Chin E, Huang YN, Fu GH (通讯作者)   The NF-κB p65/miR-23a-27a-24 cluster is a target for leukemia treatment.   Oncotarget.    2015   6(32):33554-67.   

Cui Y, Li SB, Peng XC, Wu J, Fu GH (通讯作者)   Trastuzumab Inhibits Growth of HER2-Negative Gastric Cancer Cells Through Gastrin-Initialized CCKBR Signaling.   Dig Dis Sci.   2015   60(12):3631-41   

Guo W, Keener AL, Jing Y, Cai L, Ai J, Zhang J, Fu GH (通讯作者),Wang Z   FOXA1 modulates EAF2 regulation of AR tranional activity, cell proliferation, and migration in prostate cancer cells.   Prostate.   2015   75(9):976-87   

Wei ZH, Guo WH, Wu J, Suo WH, Fu GH (通讯作者)   A nonsense mutation in the Xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group F (XPF) gene is associated with gastric carcinogenesis.    Gene.   2014   537(2): 238-44.   

Zeng Z, Wu HX, Zhan N, Huang YB, Wang ZS, Yang GF, Wang P, Fu GH (通讯作者)   Prognostic significance of USP10 as a tumor-associated marker in gastric carcinoma.   Tumour Biol.    2014   35(4): 3845-53.   

Wang T, Zhao L, Yang Y, Tian H, Suo WH, Yan M, Fu GH (通讯作者)   EGR1 is critical for gastrin-dependent upregulation of anion exchanger 2 in gastric cancer cells   FEBS J   2013   280(1):174-83   

Shen WW, Zeng Z, Zhu WX, Fu GH (通讯作者)   MiR-142-3p functions as a tumor suppressor by targeting CD133, ABCG2, and Lgr5 in colon cancer cells.   J Mol Med (Berl).   2013   91(8): 989-1000.   

Suo WH, Zhang N, Wu PP, Zhao L, Song LJ, Shen WW, Zheng L, Tao J, Long XD, Fu GH. (通讯作者)   Anti-tumor effects of small interfering RNA targeting anion exchanger 1 in experimental gastric cancer.   Br J Pharmacol   2012   165(1):135-47   

Wang P, Mei J, Tao J, Zhang N, Tian H, Fu GH. (通讯作者)   Effects of Helicobacter pylori on biological characteristics of gastric epithelial cells.   Histol Histopathol   2012   27(8):1079-91   

Song LJ, Liu RJ, Zeng Z, Alper SL, Cui HJ, Lu Y, Zheng L, Yan ZW, Fu GH. (通讯作者)   Gastrin inhibits a novel, pathological colon cancer signaling pathway involving EGR1, AE2, and P-ERK   J Mol Med   2012   90(6):707-18   

Zhao L, Long XD, Yao JG, Wang C, Ma Y, Huang YZ, Li YQ, Wang MF, Fu GH (通讯作者)   Genetic polymorphism of XRCC3 codon 241 and Helicobacter pylori infection-related gastric antrum adenocarcinoma in Guangxi Population, China: a hospital-based case-control study   Cancer Epidemiol.   2011   35(6):564-8   

Wang P, Mei J, Zhang N, Tao J, Tian H, Fu GH (通讯作者)   Helicobacter pylori upregulates the expression of p16(INK4) in gastric cancer cells.   Hepatogastroenterology   2011   58(107-108):846-53   

Wu J,Zhang YC,Suo WH,Liu XB,Shen WW,Tian H,Fu GH (通讯作者)   Induction of anion exchanger-1 translation and its opposite roles in the carcinogenesis of gastric cancer cells and differentiation of K562 cells.   Oncogene   2010   29(13):1987-96   

Tian H, Zhang N, Suo WH, Wang T, Song LJ, Wu J, Liu Q, Shen WW, Fu GH (通讯作者)   Gastrin suppresses the interdependent expression of p16 and anion exchanger 1 favouring growth inhibition of gastric cancer cells   Int J Cancer   2010   1;127(6):1462-74   

Long XD, Ma Y, Huang YZ, Yi Y, Liang QX, Ma AM, Zeng LP, Fu GH. (通讯作者)   Gastrin suppresses the interdependent expression of p16 and anion exchanger 1 favoring growth inhibition of gastric cancer cells.   Mol Carcinog   2010   Jun;49(6):611-8   

Long XD, Ma Y, Zhou YF, Ma AM, Fu GH (通讯作者)   Polymorphism in xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C codon 939 and aflatoxin B1-related hepatocellular carcinoma in the Guangxi population   Hepatology   2010   52(4):1301-9   

Xu WQ, Song LJ, Liu Q, Zhao L, Zheng L, Yan ZW, Fu GH. (通讯作者)   Expression of anion exchanger 1 is associated with tumor progress in human gastric cancer.   J Cancer Res Clin Oncol   2009   135(10):1323-30   

Liu Q, Song LJ, Xu WQ, Zhao L, Zheng L, Yan ZW, Fu GH. (通讯作者)   Expression of cytoplasmic p16 and anion exchanger 1 is associated with the invasion and absence of lymph metastasis in gastric carcinoma.   Mol Med Report   2009   2(2):169-74   

Zhao W, Zhu F, Shen W, Fu A, Zheng L, Yan Z, Zhao L, Fu G (通讯作者)   Protective effects of DIDS against ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury in rats   Acta Biochim Biophys Sin   2009   41(4):301-8   

Yang Y, Wu PP, Wu J, Shen WW, Wu YL, Fu AF, Zheng L, Jin XL, Fu GH. (通讯作者)   Expression of anion exchanger 2 in human gastric cancer.    Exp Oncol.   2008   30(1):81-7   

Wang Y, Wu SF, Chen GQ, Fu GH (通讯作者)   Effect of block deletions in the C-terminus on the functional expression of human anion exchanger 1 (AE1).    Mol Membr Biol   2007   24(1):65-73   

Wei-Wei Shen, Jun Wu, Li Cai, Bing-Ya Liu, Yan Gao, Guo-Qiang Chen, Guo-Hui Fu (通讯作者)   Expression of anion exchanger 1 sequestrates p16 in cytoplasm in gastric and colonic adenocarcinoma.    Neoplasia   2007   9(10):812-9.   

Xiao-Yan Pan, Guo-Qiang Chen, Li Cai, Guo-Hui Fu (通讯作者)   Anion exchanger 2 mediates the action of arsenic trioxide.    British Journal of Haematology   2006   134:491-499   

Guo-Hui Fu (通讯作者), Yong Wang, Yu-Hui Xi, Zhuo-Wei Guo, Shu-Zhi Bai, Xiao-Bin Liu, Bao-Feng Yang, Guo-Qiang Chen.   The C-terminal 16 residues of band 3 are involved in arsenic trioxide-induced apoptosis.   Journal of Drug Targeting   2005   13(4):235-243   

Guo-Hui Fu (Fu GH) (共同第一作者), Yong Wang, Yu-Hui Xi, Wei-Wei Shen, Xiao-Yan Pan, Wu-Zhong Shen, Guo-Qiang Chen.   Direct interaction and cooperative role of tumor suppressorp16 with band 3(AE1).    FEBS Letters   2005   579:2105-2110   

Guohui Fu (通讯作者),Tianying Wang, Baofeng Yang, Fengxiang Lv, Congning Shi, Lifeng Tian.    Purification and Characterization of the Human Erythrocyte Band3 Protein C-terminal Domain.   Biochemistry-US   2004   43(6):1633-1638.   

Guohui Fu (通讯作者), Hongqing Du, Hongtao Li. Lifeng Tian.    Expression and characterization of 55-kDa transmembrane domain of band 3 and glycophorin A.   Progress in natural Science   2002   12(3):227-231