  作者:  2018-12-31

基本信息 >>>





2. 蛋白质SUMO修饰与肿瘤代谢及炎症反应调控。研究蛋白质SUMO修饰对肿瘤代谢及炎症细胞活性的调控作用以及在炎症相关疾病中的意义。

3. 蛋白质SUMO修饰与衰老机制研究。研究SENP1-Sirt3轴在人生理与病理过程中的作用与意义。

个人简历 >>>

程金科,研究员,博士生导师。现任上海交通大学医学院基础医学院长,生物化学与分子细胞生物学系PI,上海交通大学医学院特聘教授。主要从事蛋白质SUMO修饰与肿瘤、衰老及炎症研究;调控去SUMO化蛋白酶SENP的分子机制及生物学功能;蛋白质SUMO化修饰与代谢性疾病的研究。负责完成与正在主持的国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学面上基金、国家科技部重大研发计划等国家级项目14项;上海市优秀学科带头人、上海市浦江人才计划、上海市领军人才等市级项目12项。曾任中国细胞生物学会理事、中国生物化学与分子生物学会理事,目前担任上海市生物化学与分子生物学会理事长。先后以第一作者或通讯作者在Cell、Molecular CellCancer ResearchOncogene等国际期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇,研究成果获上海市科学技术进步奖三等奖。

科研项目 >>>

1、国家自然科学基金重点项目:82030075,SENP2整合FGF21TGF-b信号调控乳腺癌细胞脂代谢并促进EMT和肿瘤侵袭转移的研究 2021.01.01-2025.12.31 ,负责人:程金科。


3、国家自然科学基金重点项目81730082SENP1-Sirt3轴调控免疫细胞代谢重编程及在抗肿瘤免疫中的作用与机制 ,2018.01.01-2022.12.31,负责人:程金科。

4、上海市教育委员会科研创新计划项目-重大项目,编号:2017-01-07 -00-01-E00050,蛋白质SUMO修饰对抗肿瘤免疫的调控作用及机制,2017/6/30-2022/6/30,负责人:程金科。



7、国家自然科学基金面上项目:81872230Nrf2 的SUMO1修饰应答丝氨酸饥饿通过ROS-PHGDH轴调控肝癌生长,2019.01.01-2022.12.31,负责人:蔡蓉。



论文与专著 >>>

1. Cheng J, Yang J, Xia Y, Karin M, Su B. Syndergistic interaction of MEK kinase 2, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) kinase 2, and JNK1 results in efficient and specific JNK1 activation. Molecular and Cellular Biology , 20:2334-2342, 2000.

2. Yang J, Lin Y, Guo Z, Cheng J, Huang H, Liao W, Chen J, Liu ZG, Su B. Essential role of MEKK3 in TNFa induced NF-kB activation. Nature Immunology , 2:620-624, 2001.

3. Su B, Cheng J, Yang J, Guo Z. MEKK2 mediates T cell receptor signals in JNK activation and IL-2 gene expression. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276:14784-14790, 2001.

4. Guo Z, Clydesdale G, Cheng J, Kim K, Gan L, McConkey DJ, Ullrich SE, Zhuang Y, Su B.  Disruption of MEKK2 in mice reveals an unexpected role for MEKK2 in modulating T-cell receptor signal transduction. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 22:5761-5768, 2002.

5. Huang Q, Yang J, Lin Y, Walker C, Cheng J, Liu ZG, Su B.  Differential regulation of interleukin 1 receptor and Toll-like receptor signaling by MEKK3. Nature Immunology, 5:98-103, 2004.

6. Cheng J, Wang D, Wang Z, Yeh ETH. SENP1 Enhances Androgen Receptor-Dependent Tranion through Desumoylation of Histone Deacetylase 1. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 24:6021-6028, 2004.

7. Kho Y, Kim SC, Jiang C, Barma D, Kwon SW, Cheng J, Jaunbergs J, Weinbaum C, Tamanoi F, Falck J, Zhao Y. A tagging-via-substrate technology for detection and proteomics of farnesylated proteins. PNAS, 101:12479-12484, 2004.

8. Cheng J, Zhang D, Kim K, Zhao Y, Su B. Mip1, an MEKK2-interacting protein, controls MEKK2 dimerization and activation. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 25:5955-5964, 2005.

9. Veltman IM, Vreede LA, Cheng J, Looijenga LH, Janssen B, Schoenmakers EF, Yeh ETH, van Kessel AG. Fusion of the SUMO/Sentrin-specific protease 1 gene SENP1 and the embryonic polarity-related mesoderm development gene MESDC2 in a patient with an infantile teratoma and a constitutional t(12;15)(q13;q25).  Human Molecular Genetics, 14:1955-1963, 2005.

10. Cheng J, Pekins ND, Yeh ETH. Differential regulation of c-Jun-dependent tranion by SUMO-specific proteases. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280:14492-14498, 2005.

11. Cheng J, Yu L, Zhang D, Huang Q, Spencer D, Su B. Dimerization through the catalytic domain is essential for MEKK2 activation.  Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280: 13477-13482, 2005.

12.  Cheng J, Bawa T, Lee P, Gong L, Yeh ET. Role of desumoylation in the development of prostate cancer. Neoplasia, 8:667-676, 2006.

13.  Gao F, Cheng J, Shi T, and Yeh ET. NEDDylation of a Breast Cancer–asociated Protein Recruits a Class III Histone Deacetylase that Represses NF-kB-dependent Tranion. Nature Cell Biology, 8:1171-1177, 2006.

14. Cheng J, Kang X, Zhang S and Yeh ET. SUMO-specific protease 1 is essential for stabilization of HIF1a during hypoxia. Cell, 131:584-595, 2007.

15. Bawa-Khalfe T, Cheng J, Wang Z and Yeh ET. Induction of the sumo-specific protease 1 tranion by the androgen receptor in prostate cancer cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282:37341-37349, 2007.

16. Huang C, Han Y, Wang Y, Sun X, Yan S, Yeh ET, Chen Y, Cang H, Li H, Shi G, Cheng J, Tang X, Yi J. SENP3 is responsible for HIF-1 transactivation under mild oxidative stress via p300 de-SUMOylation. EMBO J, 28:2748-62, 2009.

17. Lu H, Liu B, You S, Xue Q, Zhang F, Cheng J, Yu B. The activity-dependent stimuli increase SUMO modification in SHSY5Y cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 18;390:872-876. 2009.

18. Kang X, Qi Y, Zuo Y, Wang Q, Zou Y, Schwartz RJ, Cheng J *, and Yeh ET*. SUMO-specific protease 2 is essential for suppression of polycomb group proteins mediated gene silencing during embryonic development, Molecular Cell,,38:191-201. 2010 (* correspondence author).

19.  Bawa-Khalfe T, Cheng J, Lin SH, Ittmann MM, Yeh ET. SENP1 induces prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia through multiple mechanisms. J Biol Chem, 285(33):25859-66. 2010.

20. Kang X, Li J, Zou Y, Yi J, Zhang H, Cao M, Yeh ET, Cheng J. PIASy stimulates HIF1α SUMOylation and negatively regulates HIF1α activity in response to hypoxia. Oncogene, 29:5568-5578. 2010

21. Xu Y, Zuo Y, Zhang H, Kang X, Yue F, Yi Z, Liu M, Yeh ET, Chen G, Cheng J.Induction of SENP1 in endothelial cells contributes to hypoxia-driven VEGF expression and angiogenesis. J Biol Chem. 285:36682-36688. 2010.

22. Xu K, Klenk C, Liu B, Keiner B, Cheng J, Zheng BJ, Li L, Han Q, Wang C, Li T, Chen Z, Shu Y, Liu J, Klenk HD, Sun B. Modification of nonstructural protein 1 of influenza A virus by SUMO1.J Virol. 85:1086-1098. 2010.

23. Ran Y, Liu TT, Zhou Q, Li S, Mao AP, Li Y, Liu LJ, Cheng JK, Shu HB. SENP2 negatively regulates cellular antiviral response by deSUMOylating IRF3 and conditioning it for ubiquitination and degradation. J Mol Cell Biol. 3:283-92. 2011.

24. Nguyen TV, Angkasekwinai P,Dou H, Lin FM,Lu LS, Cheng J, Chin YE, Dong C, Yeh ET. SUMO-Specific Protease 1 Is Critical for Early Lymphoid Development through Regulation of STAT5 Activation. Molecular Cell. 45:210-221. 2012.

25. Zhou J, Fan Q, Zhang Z, Zou Y, Cai R, Wang Q, Zuo Y, and Cheng J. SENP1 Deficiency Promotes ER Stress-Induced Apoptosis by Increasing XBP1 SUMOylation. Cell Cycle. 11:1118-1122 . 2012.

26. Huang J, Yan J, Zhang J, Zhu S, Wang Y, Shi T, Zhu C, Chen C, Liu X, Cheng J, Mustelin T, Feng GS, Chen G, Yu J. SUMO1 modification of PTEN regulates tumorigenesis by controlling its association with the plasma membrane. Nature Commun. 3: 911. 2012.

27. Cai R, Yu T, Huang C, Xia X, Liu X, Gu J, Xue S, Yeh ET, Cheng J. SUMO-specific protease 1 regulates mitochondrial biogenesis through PGC-1α. J Biol Chem. 287:44464-44470. 2012.

28. Wang Q, Xia N, Li T, Xu Y, Zou Y, Zuo Y, Fan Q, Bawa-Khalfe T, Yeh ET, Cheng J. SUMO-specific protease 1 promotes prostate cancer progression and metastasis. Oncogene. 32:2493-2498. 2013.

29. Tang S, Huang G, Tong X, Xu L, Cai R, Li J, Zhou X, Song S, Huang C, Cheng J. Role of SUMO-specific protease 2 in reprogramming cellular glucose metabolism. PLoS One. May 14;8(5):e63965. 2013.

30. Qi Y, Zuo Y, Yeh ET, Cheng J. An essential role of SUMO-specific protease 2 in myostatin expression and myogenesis. J Biol Chem. 289:3288-3293. 2014.

31. Wang J, Liu X, Dou Z, Chen L, Jiang H, Fu C, Fu G, Liu D, Zhang J, Zhu T, Fang J, Zang J, Cheng J, Teng M, Ding X, Yao X. Mitotic regulator Mis18β interacts with and specifies the centromeric assembly of molecular chaperone holliday junction recognition protein (HJURP). J Biol Chem. 289:8326-36, 2014.

32. Han Q, Chang C, Li L, Klenk C, Cheng J, Chen Y, Xia N, Shu Y, Chen Z, Gabriel G, Sun B, Xu K. Sumoylation of influenza A virus nucleoprotein is essential for intracellular trafficking and virus growth. J Virol. 88:9379-9390. 2014

33. Liu B, Wang T, Mei W, Li D, Cai R, Zuo Y, Cheng J. SUMO-Specific Protease 1 De-SUMOylates Sharp-1 and Controls Adipocyte Differentiation. J Biol Chem. 289:22358-22364. 2014.

34. Qi Y, Wang J, Bomben VC, Li DP, Chen SR, Sun H, Xi Y, Reed JG, Cheng J, Pan HL, Noebels JL, Yeh ET. Hyper-SUMOylation of the Kv7 potassium channel diminishes the M-current leading to seizures and sudden death. Neuron. 83:1159-1171. 2014.

35. Gu J, Fan Y, Liu X, Zhou L, Cheng J, Cai R, Xue S. SENP1 protects against myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury via a HIF1α-dependent pathway. Cardiovasc Res. 104:83-92. 2014

36. Xiao N, Li H, Mei W, Cheng J. SUMOylation Attenuates Human β-arrestin 2 Inhibition of IL-1R-TRAF6 Signaling. J Biol Chem. 290:1927-35. 2015.

37. Sun H, Lu L, Zuo Y, Wang Y, Jiao Y, Zeng WZ, Huang C, Zhu MX, Zamponi GW, Zhou T, Xu TL, Cheng J, Li Y. Kainate receptor activation induces glycine receptor endocytosis through PKC deSUMOylation. Nat Commun. 2014 Sep 19;5:4980. doi: 10.1038/ncomms5980.

38. Cai R, Gu J, Sun H, Liu X, Mei W, Qi Y, Xue S, Ren S, Rabinowitz JE, Wang Y, Yeh ET, Cheng J. Induction of SENP1 in myocardium contributes to abnormities of mitochondria and cardiomyopathy. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 79:115-122. 2015.

39. Cai J, Zuo Y, Wang T, Cao Y, Cai R, Chen FL, Cheng J*, Mu J*. A crucial role of SUMOylation in modulating Sirt6 deacetylation of H3 at lysine 56 and its tumor suppressive activity. Oncogene. 2016 Feb 22. doi: 10.1038/onc.2016.24. [Epub ahead of print] (* correspondence author)

40.Huang C, Cheng J, Bawa-Khalfe T, Yao X, Chin YE, Yeh ET.SUMOylated ORC2 Recruits a Histone Demethylase to Regulate Centromeric Histone Modification and Genomic Stability. Cell Rep. 15(1):147-57, 2016.

41.Xia N, Cai J, Wang F, Dong B, Liu S, Chen F, Cheng J, Zuo Y. SENP1 Is a Crucial Regulator for Cell Senescence through DeSUMOylation of Bmi1. Sci Rep. 2016 Sep 23; 6:34099. doi: 10.1038/srep34099

42.Dong B, Gao Y, Kang X, Gao H, Zhang J, Guo H, You MJ, Xue W, Cheng J, Huang Y. SENP1 promotes proliferation of clear cell renal cell carcinoma through activation of glycolysis. Oncotarget. 2016 7:80435-80449.

43.Bawa-Khalfe T, Yang FM, Ritho J, Lin HK, Cheng J, Yeh ET. SENP1 regulates PTEN stability to dictate prostate cancer development. Oncotarget. 2016 Nov 10. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.13283. [Epub ahead of print]

44.Wang YP*, Zhou W, Wang J, Huang X, Zuo Y, Wang TS, Gao X, Xu YY, Zou SW, Liu YB, Cheng JK*, Lei QY*. Arginine Methylation of MDH1 by CARM1 Inhibits Glutamine Metabolism and Suppresses Pancreatic Cancer. Mol Cell. 2016 64:673-687 (* correspondence author).

45.Zhang H, Wang Y, Zhu A, Huang D, Deng S, Cheng J, Zhu MX, Li Y. SUMO-specific protease 1 protects neurons from apoptotic death during transient brain ischemia/reperfusion. Cell Death Dis. 2016 Nov 24;7(11):e2484.

46.Yu T, Zuo Y, Cai R, Huang X, Wu S, Zhang C, Chin YE, Li D, Zhang Z, Xia N, Wang Q, Shen H, Yao X, Zhang ZY, Xue S, Shen L, Cheng JK*. SENP1 regulates IFN-γ-STAT1 signaling through STAT3-SOCS3 negative feedback loop. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology , 2017, 9(2), 144–153.

47.Bo Wei, Chao Huang, Bin Liu, Yang Wang, Nansong Xia, Qiuju Fan, Guo-Qiang Chen, and Jinke Cheng*. Mitotic Phosphorylation of SENP3 Regulates DeSUMOylation of Chromosome-Associated Proteins and Chromosome Stability. Cancer Research.2018, 78(9):2171-2178.

48.Quan Zheng, Ying Cao, Yalan Chen, Jiqiu Wang, Qiuju Fan, Xian Huang, Yiping Wang, Tianshi Wang, Xiuzhi Wang, Jiao Ma, and Jinke Cheng*, Senp2 regulates adipose lipid storage by de-SUMOylation of Setdb1. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. 2018, 10 (3):258-266.

49.Huang X, Zuo Y*, Wang, XZ, Wu, XF, Tan HS, Fan QJ, Dong BJ, Xue W, Chen GQ, Cheng JK*. SUMO-Specific Protease 1 Is Critical for Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cell Development and Function. Cancer Research, 2019,79(15): 3891-3902.

50.Wang T, Cao Y, Zheng Q, Tu J, Zhou W, He J, Zhong J, Chen Y, Wang J, Cai R, Zuo Y, Wei B, Fan Q, Yang J, Wu Y, Yi J, Li D, Liu M, Wang C, Zhou A, Li Y, Wu X, Yang W, Chin YE, Chen G, Cheng JK*. SENP1-Sirt3 Signaling Controls Mitochondrial Protein Acetylation and Metabolism. Molecular Cell. 2019,75(4):823-834.

51.Liang QL; Zheng Q, Zuo Y,Chen YL, Ma J ,Ni PH*, Cheng JK*. SENP2 Suppresses Necdin Expression to Promote Brown Adipocyte Differentiation. Cell Reports, 2019, 28(8): 2004-2011.

52. Yang Wang ,Jing Tian, Chao Huang , Jiao Ma, Gaolei Hu, Yalan Chen, Tianshi Wang, Rong Cai,Yong Zuo, Hongsheng Tan, Qiuju Fan, Baijun Dong, Wei Xue, Jing Yi, Guoqiang Chen, Jun Tu and Jinke Cheng.P53 suppresses SENP3 phosphorylation to mediate G2 checkpoint.Cell Discovery ;( 2020) 6:21

53. Yun Yu ,Yalan Chen , Kexin Liu, Jinke Cheng*, Jun Tu*. SUMOylation enhances the activity of IDH2 under oxidative stress. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 532 (2020)591-597.

54. Jianli He, Jinke Cheng ,and Tianshi Wang.SUMOylation-Mediated Response to Mitochondrial Stress.Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 5657; doi:10.3390/ijms21165657

专利与技术许可 >>>

Screening for modulators of MEKK2 and MEKK3. WO/2005/056825, 23-06-2005.

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