【Shanghai Daily】Shanghai, Swedish colleges to join medical research
2011-09-23 浏览( 来源:上海日报 

  LOCAL medical schools are stepping up cooperation with their Western counterparts in the research and development of translational medicine – turning biological discoveries into drugs and medical devices.

  Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine is discussing with Sweden‘s Karolinska Institutet, one of the world’s leading medical schools, for high-level cooperation in translational medicine.

  “The two universities are expected to exchange students and professors for training and research, and we also want the two schools to allow the transfer of credit of each other‘s students,” said Chen Guoqiang, director of Jiao Tong University’s School of Medicine yesterday.

  Chen was attending an international conference on translational medicine, which opened in Shanghai today.

  Karolinska Institutet President Harriet Wallberg-Henriksso said translational medicine is a very important aspect of medical development. It not only treats diseases but also prevents diseases through effective intervention and therapy.

  She said the Chinese medical schools should encourage the creative thinking of their students. “Chinese students are not trained in creative thinking at school while we expose our students to research. They draw their own conclusions and try to think in a different way.”

  Officials from Jiao Tong University‘s School of Medicine said their school will benefit from the cooperation with Karolinska Institutet. They will set up a translational medicine research base to find cures for cancers, degenerative diseases and cardio-cerebral diseases.







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