Zhengdong Zhao



ResearchMotivated behaviors and related psychiatric diseases



Ph.D., 2013 – 2018  Mentor: Dr. Wei L. Shen  Institute of Neuroscience, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences  ShanghaiTech University

B.S., 2009 – 2013    Central South University, China



Postdoctoral Researcher, 04/2019 – 08/2023, Mentor: Dr. Yi Zhang  Boston Children’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School / Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Postdoctoral Researcher, 06/2018 – 04/2019, Mentor: Dr. Wei L. Shen  ShanghaiTech University


Zhengdong Zhao

    Motivated behaviors are fundamental components of vertebrate life. These behaviors control an animal's interactions with goal objects in the environment that are important for the survival of the individual and the species. Appropriate quantities and timing of motivational drives are required for individual survival, however, pathological misdirection of motivational processes causes maladaptive behavioral changes and plays a major role in developing of psychiatric disorders. The Zhao-lab studies motivated behaviors and related psychiatric diseases, such as eating disorders and substance-related addictive disorders. We will cover following topics: 1. feeding behavior and eating disorders; 2. substance/alcohol abuse and related addictive disorders; 3. novel mice behaviors.

    Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=fRgKK8UAAAAJ&hl=en