Yong Han Young Investigator 

Email: hanyong@shsmu.edu.cn

Research areaNeurometabolic Mechanism of Obesity


Education experience

2009-2015 Zhejiang University, PhD

2004-2009 Taishan Medical college, BS


Work experience

2023.07- Now Songjiang Research Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Young Investigator

2023.01-2023.06 Baylor College of Medicine, Instructor

2015.09-2022.12 Baylor College of Medicine, Postdoc


Yong Han, an independent PI. He graduated in 2009 with a Bachelor of Medicine degree from Taishan Medical College. In 2015, he obtained his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Institute of Neuroscience, Zhejiang University. In the same year, he joined Baylor College of Medicine in the United States for postdoctoral training and was appointed as an Instructor in the early 2023. In July 2023, he began his position at the Songjiang Research Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.



Yong Han


    Dr. Han's research focuses on neural circuits regulating energy metabolism, feeding behavior, and sleep-wake cycles and other innate behaviors. His research findings, as the first author, have been published in journals such as Nature Communications, Science Advances, Molecular Psychiatry, Current Biology, eLife, and he has also contributed to the writing of the neurobiology book 'Neural Regulation of Metabolism.' He has received several awards, including Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis at Zhejiang University, Hsiang-tung chang Excellent Graduate Student Paper Award, Award of Honor for Graduate, Zhejiang University, Talent Award of Beijing Institutes of Life Science, Award of the National Scholarship for Graduate Students, and CSRS-Philips Respironics Outstanding Young Investigators Award.