
郑黎强/ 职称:教授

学历学位:博士 研究生

Email: zhenglq@sjtu.edu.cn


郑黎强,医学博士,教授,现就职于上海交通大学公共卫生学院,主要从事临床流行病学与循证医学的教学和科研工作,主要研究方向为心脑血管病流行病学、神经认知障碍流行病学和临床研究方法学。原中国医科大学附属盛京医院教授、博士生导师。作为项目主要参与者,分别获得国家科学技术进步奖二等奖、中华医学科技奖贰等奖、辽宁省科技进步一等奖、沈阳市科技振兴奖各一项。获得辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才称号、第十届辽宁青年科技奖称号及沈阳市2015年度市级青年岗位能手。以第一负责人主持国家自然科学基金3项、十三五重点研发计划子课题一项,辽宁省科技攻关项目和辽宁省自然科学基金各一项、沈阳市中青年科技创新人才支持计划项目一项。目前以第一(通讯)作者共发表科研论著62篇,包括34SCI论文,参与发表SCI科研论文120余篇。2016-2017年在美国杜兰大学(Tulane University)公共卫生学院作为访问学者工作一年,参与全球著名的BHS(Bogalusa Heart Study)队列研究和数据分析。长期针对临床医护人员开展临床研究方法设计和统计分析等相关讲座,现已研发多个临床研究相关培训课件,举办超过百余场临床研究讲座。









1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2021-2024,负责人,《血浆亚精胺及其动态改变通过DNA甲基化介导参与轻度认知障碍发病的巢式病例对照研究》(82073645),在研,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2018-2021,负责人,《血浆多胺及抗氧化物质动态变化与脑卒中发病的巢式病例对照研究》(81773510),在研,主持。

3. 国家重点研发计划“东北地区重大慢病防控科技综合示范研究”(2018YFC1311600),2018-2020,项目骨干。负责子课题《东北地区一般人群重大慢病健康促进适宜技术的卫生经济学评价》,在研,主持。

4. 2020年度沈阳市中青年科技创新人才支持计划项目,2020-2022,《血浆氧化三甲胺及其动态改变与轻度认知障碍发病风险的巢式病例对照研究》(RC200322),在研,主持。

5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2014-2016,负责人,《人巨细胞病毒感染及其编码的microRNA与高血压人群脑卒中发病风险的前瞻性研究》(81302495),结题,主持。

6. 辽宁省社会发展攻关计划,2013-2015,负责人,《辽宁省农村高血压发病风险预测模型的开发与研究》(2013225089),结题,主持。

7. 辽宁省自然科学基金,2017-2019,负责人,《血浆氧化三甲胺与脑卒中发病风险的巢式病例对照研究》(20170541048),结题,主持。



1. Gao Z#, Wang Y#, Dai Y#, Xie Y, Zheng J, Guo R, Sun Z, Xing L, Zhang X, Sun Y*, Zheng L*. Association between body mass index changes and short- and long-term outcomes of hypertension in a Chinese rural cohort study. J Hum Hypertens. 2020; 34(8):593-601.

2. Jiao Y, Sun Z, Xie Y, Zheng J, Li Z, Guo X, Dai Y, Zheng L*, Sun Y*. Potential impacts of the 2017 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association high blood pressure guideline on Chinese adults and how to address them. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. 2020; 20(1):237. 

3. Xu Q#, Wang Y#, Xie Y, Zheng J, Guo R, Dai Y, Sun Z, Xing L, Zhang X, Ruan S, Sun Y, Zheng L*. Blood Pressure Changes in a Chinese Population Have a Greater Impact on Short-Term Outcomes Rather Than Long-Term Outcomes of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 1-7, 2020.

4. Zheng L*, Dai Y, Fu P, Yang T, Xie Y, Zheng J, Gao J, Niu T*. Secular trends of hypertension prevalence based on 2017 ACC/ AHA and 2018 Chinese hypertension guidelines: Results from CHNS data (1991-2015). J. Clin. Hypertens. 2020; 00:1-7.

5. Zheng L#, Xie Y#, Zheng J, Guo R, Wang Y, Dai Y, Sun Z, Xing L, Zhang X, Sun Y*. Associations between ideal blood pressure based on different BMI categories and stroke incidence. J Hypertens 2020; 38(7):1271-1277.

6. Xu J#, Guo R#, Xie Y, Zheng J, Wang Y, Dai Yue, Sun Z, Xing L, Zhang X, Sun Y*, Zheng L*. Effects of long- and short-term body mass index changes on incident hypertension are different. Nutrition 2020; 74:110755.

7. Gao J, Dai Y, Xie Y, Zheng J, Wang Y, Guo R, Sun Z, Xing L, Zhang X, Sun Y*, Zheng L*. The Association of Stage 1 Hypertension Defined by the 2017 ACC/AHA Guideline with Stroke and Its Subtypes among Elderly Chinese. Biomed Res Int. 2020; 2020:4023787.

8. Liu S#, Wang Y#, Xie Y, Zheng J, Guo R, Dai Y, Sun Z, Xing L, Zhang X, Sun Y*, Zheng L*. The association of stage 1 hypertension defined by the 2017 ACC/AHA hypertension guideline and subsequent cardiovascular events among adults <50 years. J Hum Hypertens. 2020; 34(3):233-240.

9. Zheng L*, Wang Y, Liu S, Zheng R, Pei D, Sun Y, Sun Z*. Financial incentives for hypertension control: rationale and study design. Trials. 2020; 21(1):134.

10. Zheng J, Xie Y, Wang Y, Guo R, Dai Y, Sun Z, Xing L, Zhang X, Sun Y, Zheng L*. Short- and long-term systolic blood pressure changes have different impacts on major adverse cardiovascular events: Results from a 12.5 years follow-up study. Int J Cardiol. 2020; 306:190-195.

11. Zheng L, Zheng J, Xie Y, Li Z, Guo X, Sun G, Sun Z, Xing F*, Sun Y*. Serum gut microbe-dependent trimethylamine N-oxide improves the prediction of future cardiovascular disease in a community-based general population. Atherosclerosis 2019; 280:126-131.

12. Xie Y#, Guo R#, Li Z, Guo X, Sun G, Sun Z, Zheng J, Sun Y*, Zheng L*. Temporal relationship between body mass index and triglyceride-glucose index and its impact on the incident of hypertension. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2019; 29(11):1220-1229.

13. Xing Z, He Y, Ji C, Xu C, Zhang W, Li Y, Tan X, Zhao P, Wang Q*, Zheng L*. Establishing a perinatal red blood cell transfusion risk evaluation model for obstetric patients: a retrospective cohort study. Transfusion 2019; 59(5):1667-1674.

14. Wang Y#, Dai Y#, Zheng J, Xie Y, Guo R, Guo X, Sun G, Sun Z, Sun Y*, Zheng L*. Sex difference in the incidence of stroke and its corresponding influence factors: results from a follow-up 8.4 years of rural China hypertensive prospective cohort study. Lipids Health Dis 2019; 18:72.

15. Zheng J, Sun Z, Zhang X, Li Z, Guo X, Xie Y, Sun Y*, Zheng L*. Non-traditional lipid profiles associated with ischemic stroke not hemorrhagic stroke in hypertensive patients: results from an 8.4 years follow-up study. Lipids Health Dis 2019; 18:9.

16. Guo R, Xie Y, Zheng J, Wang Y, Dai Y, Sun Z, Xing L, Zhang X, Sun Y*, Zheng L*. Short-term blood pressure changes have a more strong impact on stroke and its subtypes than long-term blood pressure changes. Clin Cardiol 2019; 42(10):925-933.

17. Xie Y#, Gao J#, Guo R#, Zheng J, Wang Y, Dai Y, Sun Z, Xing L, Zhang X, Sun Y*, Zheng L*. Stage 1 hypertension defined by the 2017 ACC/AHA guideline predicts future cardiovascular events in elderly Chinese individuals. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2019; 21(11):1637-1644.

18. Dai Y#, Wang Y#, Xie Y, Zheng J, Guo R, Sun Z, Xing L, Zhang X, Sun Y*, Zheng L*. Short-Term and Long-Term Blood Pressure Changes and the Risk of All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality. Biomed Res Int 2019; 2019:5274097.

19. Xie Y#, Ma M#, Li Z, Guo X, Sun G, Sun Z, Zheng J, Sun Y*, Zheng L*. Elevated blood pressure level based on 2017 ACC/AHA guideline in relation to stroke risk in rural areas of Liaoning province. BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2019; 19(1):258.

20. Zheng J, Sun Z, Guo X, Xie Y, Sun Y*, Zheng L*. Blood pressure predictors of stroke in rural Chinese dwellers with hypertension: a large-scale prospective cohort study. BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2019; 19(1):206.

21. Ji C#, Zheng L#, Zhang R, Wu Q, Zhao Y*. Handgrip strength is positively related to blood pressure and hypertension risk: results from the National Health and nutrition examination survey. Lipids Health Dis 2018; 17(1):86. 

22. Zheng L, Sun Z, Sun Z, Zhang X, Jing K, Li J, Hu D, Sun Y*. Human Cytomegalovirus Increases the Risk of Future Hemorrhagic But Not Ischemic Stroke - A Nested Case-Control Study. Circ J. 2016; 80(10):2235-2239.

23. Zheng L, Li J, Sun Z, Zhang X, Hu D, Sun Y*. Relationship of Blood Pressure With Mortality and Cardiovascular Events Among Hypertensive Patients aged ≥60 years in Rural Areas of China: A Strobe-Compliant Study. Medicine (Baltimore) 2015; 94(39): e1551.

24. Zheng L#, Sun Z, Zhang X, Li J, Hu D, Chen J*, Sun Y#. Predictive Value for the Rural Chinese Population of the Framingham Hypertension Risk Model: Results From Liaoning Province. Am J Hypertens 2014; 27(3):409-414.

25. Zheng L, Sun Z, Zhang X, Li J, Hu D, Sun Y*. The association between glomerular filtration rate and stroke in hypertensive patients in rural areas of China. J Hypertens 2012; 30(5):901-907.

26. Guo X#, Zheng L#, Li Y, Yu S, Liu S, Zhou X, Zhang X, Sun Z, Wang R, Sun Y*. Association between sleep duration and hypertension among Chinese children and adolescents. Clin Cardiol 2011; 34(12):774-781.

27. Zheng L, Sun Z, Zhang X, Xu C, Li J, Li M, Wang L, Li J, Hu D, Sun Y*. Risk of progression to hypertension across baseline blood pressure in nonhypertensive participants among rural Chinese adults: a prospective study. J Hypertens 2010; 28(6):1158-1165.

28. Zheng L, Zhang Z, Sun Z, Li J, Zhang X, Xu C, Hu D, Sun Y*. The association between body mass index and incident hypertension in rural women in China. Eur J Clin Nutr 2010; 64(8):769-775.

29. Zheng L, Sun Z, Zhang X, Xu C, Li J, Hu D, Sun Y*. Predictors of progression from prehypertension to hypertension among rural Chinese adults: results from Liaoning Province. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 2010; 17(2):217-222.

30. Zheng L, Li J, Hu D, Li J, Zhang X, Xu C, Hu D, Sun Y*. Association of low ankle-brachial index with mortality in patients with ischemic heart disease. J Atheroscler Thromb 2010; 17(7):759-767.

31. Zheng L, Sun Z, Li J, Zhang R, Zhang X, Liu S, Li J, Xu C, Hu D, Sun Y*. Pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure in relation to ischemic stroke among patients with uncontrolled hypertension in rural areas of China. Stroke 2008; 39(7):1932-1937.

32. Zheng L*, Yu J, Li J, Li X, Luo Y, Hasimu B, Sun Z, Sun Y, Hu D. Prevalence of and risk factors for peripheral arterial disease among Chinese hypertensive patients with and without known cardiovascular disease. Acta Cardiol 2008; 63(6): 693-699.

33. Zheng L, Sun Z, Li J, Yu J, Wei Y, Zhang X, Liu S, Li J, Xu C, Hu D, Sun Y*. Mean arterial pressure: a better marker of stroke in patients with uncontrolled hypertension in rural areas of China. Intern Med 2007; 46(18):1495-1500.

34. Zheng L, Li J, Sun Z, Yu J, Zhang X, Zhang X, Liu S, Hu D, Xu CL, Li J, Zhao F, Zhang R, Sun Y*. Differential control of systolic and diastolic blood pressure: factors associated with lack of blood pressure control in rural community of Liaoning Province, China. J of Health Sci 2007; 53(2): 209-214.






