
YE Wei

Associate Professor

E-mail: jyyewei@163.com


Dr. Wei Ye, MD, associate professor, master tutor. He is currently the deputy director of Department of Preventive Dentistry, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, College of Stomatology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Fellow of the International College of Dentists (ICD), standing member of the Preventive Dentistry Committee of the Chinese Stomatological Association, and vice chairman of the Oral Health Care Committee of Shanghai Preventive Medicine Association. His research focuses on the epidemiological research of common oral diseases and the etiology and clinical diagnosis of halitosis, with rich experience in oral epidemiology, the pathogenesis and diagnosis of halitosis. Presided over or participated in a number of scientific research projects such as Municipal Education Commission, Municipal Health Bureau, Chinese Stomatological Association and other funds, and presided over a number of clinical research projects. He visited the School of Dentistry, University of Pennsylvania, Osaka Dental University, Fukuoka Dental University and Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong. He has published more than 20 professional academic papers in international and domestic journals, including 6 SCI papers.