Postgraduate Management System

Under the guidance of the leadership and Postgraduate Management Committee, Shanghai Institute of Immunology has established a graduate training system that is suitable for the discipline of immunology and meets international standards, including rotation, safety training, course study and academic events, etc. This system will fully promote students’ scientific thinking, cultivate their science research capability and broaden their horizons. To promote international education and attract more excellent students with research ambitions from top universities domestically and abroad, we set up Yu He Doctoral Scholarship. Also, we advanced Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and The Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School Dual PhD Degree Program in 2016. The two universities partnered in immunology, cell biology and pathophysiology and planned joint PhD training. Once meet the PhD requirements of both sides, candidates will receive PhD degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. This program will be officially launched globally in 2018.


All the new graduate students will have 3 rounds of rotation (each lasts for 10 weeks). Students own independent choices for their first and second interested tutors. At the end of the rotation, students and tutors will have two-way choices, in accordance with the ruled student number assigned by the institute.

Research in Progress

Every student will start to have their work orally presented in English in the weekly activity - Research in Progress (RIP) on their second academic year. The report will be graded according to the qualities of PPT, speech, Q&A, research advance, etc. Excellent Report and All Tsutomu will be rewarded annually.

Yu He Doctoral Scholarship

Excellent students graduated from Top 30 universities (985 for example) and ranking 10% in GPA will be granted Yu He Doctoral Scholarship. The scholarship offers ¥30,000 once in the start of entrance, followed by one fully-funded domestic meeting attendance and one fully-funded international meeting attendance. Students performing excellences will get the opportunity to attend summer schools in oversea prestigious universities.

International Academic Conferences

Each year, we hold multiple cutting-edge international academic conferences, including " Forum on Advancements in Immunology Research, FAIR" with Institute of Immunology, Tsinghua University, He Yu Lecture and retreat, etc. We invite distinguished experts and outstanding representatives across the world. Thus, researchers and students can enjoy the latest advances in immunology. Every participant can communicate with the world's top immunologists and outstanding domestic immunology peers face to face and gain guidance from them. Also, outstanding postgraduate students will have the opportunity to obtain scientific research cooperation and exchange opportunities overseas and be enrolled in Chinese Government Graduate Student Overseas Study Program.