首页 > 12月 > 护理融合,赋能未来分论坛



2022年上海交通大学医学院国际青年学者云论坛 ——“护理融合,赋能未来"护理分论坛,由上海交通大学医学院主办,护理学院承办。本论坛以知识分享,助力未来为理念,诚邀来自于护理学、心理学、社会学、公共卫生等不同学科的高层次人才,通过云上相聚,进行思想碰撞和智慧交流。本论坛聚焦前沿、国际化、跨学科护理研究,旨在为国内、外优秀青年学者提供一个高质量学术交流平台,进而提升护理研究的深度和广度。


上海交通大学护理学院是国家一流本科专业建设点,我国首批博士学位授权点之一。近年来,获国家临床重点专科,上海市高原学科、应用型本科试点专业和公共卫生应急处置“护理预备队”等专项,建设经费近1.2 亿。依托交大和13 家附属医院,护理学院已建成一支高水平队伍,致力于高质量护理教育、护理研究和临床护理。(更多详情








方老师,电话:18917762658   E-mailfangqiong@shsmu.edu.cn

王老师,电话:13641751075   E-mailwangxiyi4869@shsmu.edu.cn


Nursing Sub-Forum: "Nurses: Sharing the Knowledge, Enabling the Future"

1.   Sub-forum Overview

The 2022 Nursing Sub-Forum is hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and organized by the School of Nursing. With the philosophy of nursing contributing to the future, this sub-forum invites young scientists from various disciplines to gather together including Nursing, Psychology, Sociology, and Public Health. This sub-forum focuses on cutting-edge, international, and interdisciplinary nursing research, with the aim to provide a high-quality platform for national and international outstanding scientists to exchange wisdom and research ideas, thereby enhancing the depth and breadth of nursing research.

2.   Organizer Introduction

Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Nursing is a Nationally recognized nursing school for undergraduate education. It is also among the first to introduce the PhD program in China. In recent years, the School of Nursing has received national and municipal support for the development of Key Clinical Nursing Specialties, Shanghai Gaoyuan Discipline-Nursing, Applied Undergraduate Program-Nursing, and Public Health Emergency Response "Nursing Taskforce", with total funding of nearly 120 million. Supported by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the 13 affiliated hospitals, the extraordinary faculties at the School of Nursing are dedicated to excellence in nursing education, research, and clinical practice.

3.President Introduction

Dr. Yan Yang, PhD,  Professor of Nursing, Doctoral supervisor. Dr. Yang is the Dean of the School of Nursing and Deputy Secretary of the Communist Party (Nursing Branch). Dr. Yang is also one of the female representatives of the 12th National Congress, Director of the Chinese Nursing Association, Deputy Head of the Youth Committee of the Management Committee, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Association for Life Care-Humanistic Nursing Committee, Executive Director of Shanghai Nursing Association, Chairman of the Surgical Committee of Shanghai Nursing Association. Dr. Yang has been engaged in clinical practice for 19 years. She received five Science and Technology Awards from Shanghai Municipal city and the National Teaching Achievement Award (first place). Dr. Yang also has numerous honors including Shanghai "Zuoying Nursing Award", Shanghai “March 8th Red-Banner Pacesetter”(Outstanding Women), Shanghai “Xinglin Award”, and Shanghai “Excellent Young Nursing Talent”. 

4. Forum AgendaTBD


Dr. Fang, Tel: 18917762658; E-mailfangqiong@shsmu.edu.cn

Dr. Wang, Tel: 13641751075; E-mailwangxiyi4869@shsmu.edu.cn

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