As a new and emerging discipline, medical technology has integrated a list of disciplines including medical laboratory, food hygiene and nutriology, medical imaging technology, hearing and speech rehabilitation, etc. In 2021, the College of Health Science and Technology was officially incorporated, and was conferred of awarding unit of doctorate degrees of first-level disciplines. Pursuing two-legged “Breed Talents and Attract Talents” growth strategy, the discipline has rolled out overall development plan integrating production, learning, research and medicine, with the expectation to tap fully its innovation potential and to enliven its development dynamics.

Steered by the vision “Focus on New Medicine and Serve the Grand Health”, the College of Health Science and Technology applies itself to deepening interdisciplinary fusion and innovation-driven sci-tech development, as well as to achieving bachelor-master-doctor run-through cultivation tailored to the industry needs, geared towards a “cradle” for a brilliant galaxy of interdisciplinary medical talents. Bearing in mind its mission “Never Compromise Will, Breed Talents with Great Care”, and exploiting to the full its functions being “Originator and cradle of new medical technologies global wide, and training base of medical and public health practitioners urgently needed by the society”, the the College of Health Science and Technology would afford assurance in discipline construction and talents cultivation to fuel the innovation development of medical technology as piloted by the “New Medicine”.