
The Future of Health Economics

Author: Olivier Ethgen; Ulf Staginnus


索书号:R1-9/F996 2017

简介: The pharmaceutical industry faces a well-documented perfect storm: on the one hand, the patent cliff; the lack of new blockbusters and, on the other, economic pressure on pricing from markets with growing expectations and shrinking budgets. In the face of such pressure, traditional health economics models no longer seem appropriate and yet what do we have to replace them? The growing focus on 'val........

Energy Medicine : The Scientific Basis

James L. Oschman


索书号:R459.9 O81e2

简介: See how energy therapies can normalize physiology and restore your patients' health! Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, 2nd Edition provides a deeper understanding of energy and energy flow in the human body. Using well-established scientific research, this book documents the presence of energy fields, discerns how those fields are generated, and determines how they are altered by disease, dis........

Environmental epigenomics in health and disease : epigenetics and disease origins

Randy L. Jirtle

ISBN:3642233791 (hbk.)


简介: There are now compelling human epidemiological .....

 学科馆员 - 陶老师


E-mail: ltao@shsmu.edu.cn

