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上海交通大学医学院由教育部和上海市政府合作共建,上海交通大学医学院位列国家教育部“211 工程”、“985 工程” 院校,历经百余年的历史积淀和六十载的风雨征程,已逐渐成为一所师资力量雄厚,学术成绩卓著,集医、教、研以及社会服务全面发展的研究型医学院。上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院是上海交通大学医学院的重要组成部分,它是一所学科门类齐全,拥有3000张病床、每年400多万门急诊量综合性医院,临床研究性资源极其丰富。



研究院聚焦的多个主要研究(但不限于)方向:1. 利用细胞分子生物学和胚胎发育学研究技术,开展重大出生缺陷(如:先天性心脏病、神经管缺陷、智力发育障碍等)的遗传和环境暴露因素、发病机制、早期筛查和诊断方法研究;胎儿、胎盘源性疾病的发病机制及胎儿编程研究,探讨胚胎发育及胎儿编程的机制和影响因素;2. 环境污染对胎儿及儿童健康的影响是环境影响生命早期健康的关键,从人群流行病学和发病机理,研究环境污染物对胎儿发育、妊娠结局、婴幼儿、儿童生长发育及疾病发生的影响,努力向环境和卫生政策转化。3. 利用临床流行病、临床研究和生物统计学研究技术,前瞻性地长期跟踪、定期随访高危儿童,研究合理的营养和喂养方式、最佳生长模式、及影响神经和智力发育的因素,开展随机临床试验及行为干预研究;4. 利用表观遗传学、肠道微生态学、干细胞分化和代谢性疾病研究技术,开展孕期和婴幼儿期的各种因素导致儿童肥胖的机制及预防措施研究。另外,系统性建立污染物检测与毒理分析、数据管理与分析也是研究院要进一步发展的重要支撑资源。


生命早期健康研究院研究具备资源平台和技术平台两大类型的多个平台,包括:1. 生物样本库是临床研究资源不可或缺的重要资源型平台新华生物样本库自2012年是国内系统性建设和信息化管理与运作的知名生物样本库之一。样本库团队已经成为生物样本领域专业人员,尤其在信息化管理和构架方面处于领先地位,在中国生物样本库研究领域处于引领地位。在系统性建设上海出生队列(SBC)和生命早期的健康“千天计划”(ELP)过程中,建立和积累了运作与管理的丰富经验;成为支撑人群临床研究关键的公共资源平台;2. 胚胎发育分析平台基于动物模型或动物疾病模型模拟出“理想患者”的条件,创造可以探索病理生理过程和规律的人造环境,以便于探索、认识疾病产生、发展的过程,并将基础研究发现引申到人群中进行临床观察与验证。该平台支撑以临床问题为导向,开展机制研究并促进基础阐明机制与临床验证结果相结合的效果研究;3. 技术型平台研究院开展基础机制和临床效果研究的技术保障,有赖于新华医院临床分析和实验室研究两方面的技术、方法和手段整合。为探索生命早期健康关键阶段与疾病发生、发展与转归的关联机制,依托综合性的技术平台开展基因组学、表观遗传、蛋白组学和代谢组学等各个层面的探索研究,力争获得一系列研究结果应用于临床干预验证。同时,该技术平台也将为大规模的临床观察与验证提供与临床相结合的方法学与技术保障这些平台包括细胞遗传学研究平台新华医院建立的国内最早开展染色体核型检测的单位之一。目前拥有自动化的染色体核型分析平台,染色体核型分析质量居于国内领先,是华东地区著名的染色体疾病与染色体核型显带会诊中心。2012年起建立细胞遗传学芯片检测平台,大大提高了染色体微缺失/微重复的检出率,目前是上海唯一开展羊水基因芯片检测的单位生化代谢检测平台新华医院拥有强大的遗传病生化检测技术与平台,新华医院是卫生部新生儿代谢病临床诊治中心,同时也是上海市唐氏综合征筛查中心。该平台独立开展串联质谱和气相质谱遗传病筛查。通过国家卫计委唐氏综合征筛查室间质控、美国 CDC 新生儿代谢病筛查实验室间质控。;分子遗传检测平台新华医院建立的高通量测序在内的所有常用分子遗传检测平台,开展高通量测序、MLPA、荧光定量 PCR 等多样化的分子遗传检测技术,能在临床开展超过 100 种单基因遗传病的常规检测,近 3 年来开展的出具报告的单基因遗传病临床检测超过 8000 例(不包括科研检测)。临床常规检测病种之复杂,检测数量之多,在全国屈指可数 临床研究中心(CRU)是新华医院独立运营的临床研究中心,整合医院现有临床资源,为涉及人体的临床研究提供管理及技术支撑。中心配有专职流行病学与生物统计学专家,数据管理人员和临床研究协调人员等,为临床研究提供高效高质的技术平台服务。研究院还有多个其他相关平台: 细胞分子生物学平台是支持相关基因或蛋白分子在细胞水平的功能性研究,研究分子介入今天的生物活性通路中发挥的作用。另外还有流行病统计学平台神经心理和行为测试平台污染物及元素分析测试平台等。除这些支撑研究的平台之外,研究院还拥有开放型平台,该平台主要结合生命千天计划框架下联盟医院所共同构建的资源,加上完善的研究策略设计和临床问卷随访数据,可将资源平台研究平台和技术平台交联构建成一个完善的开放平台,提供研究所需的各类资源要素,支持科研设计与方法学构建。开放平台以“招标”模式寻找在相关领域有共同兴趣的研究机构或团队,取长补短,发挥各自优势,以共建共享方式建设平台,系统性地整合相关类型的平台,实现样本资源-临床信息-技术方法-应用转化全链条的实质性共享的创新模式

Profile of Institute of Early Life Health

Shanghai Jiaotong University

School of Medicine

The factors that affect health quality in early life are inextricably linked to adult health. More and more evidences, regardless of developing or developed countries, have shown that the long-term effects of health problems in early life are directly related to the health quality in adulthood and country population. Therefore, it is fully understood to all that assessment, management and intervention of the health problems in early life health would contribute greatly to the great social and economic value of a country.

With a focus on "the theory of fetal origin of adult diseases" (DOHaD theory), and the updated strategy of national health care plan in China, it is critical to shift our prevention and interference with health care earlier as possible in life. The goal is to facilitate improvement of the population quality of health, Shanghai Jiaotong University, School of Medicine, together with Xinhua Hospital, institutes and founds a research organization, which focuses on the genetic and environmental interactions that cause health concerns in early life, and name it as Institute of Early Life Health (IELH for short afterwards)

The research theme of the institute is characterized by the joint efforts across divisions and specialities both in lab and clinics, birth cohort vs. case cohort studies, clinical vs. basic research. The institute is established on firm the foundation combining research on the Ministry of Education and Shanghai key lab of Children’s Environmental Health, comprehensive clinical settings and resources on child health care. With great advantages in clinical settings of reproduction, obstetric, perinatal, pediatric, and adult healthcare in a single healthcare complex, Xinhua hospital has comprehensive clinical resources and settings focusing on healthcare in early life. Xinhua Hospital not only has the advantages of early health clinics and research, but also has quality of healthcare service for adults. Taken together, early-life conditions predict functional health Status in adulthood as well, for example, high-risk pregnancy has great impact on infant’s health status and onward. In other words, the living environment and parents’ healthcare have a great impact on the health status of their offspring. Xinhua hospital is also characterized by a particular feature of comprehensive research discipline. The advantages of research include rich of clinical research resources, facilities and research platform service with advanced facilities, what is more important is the research teams, which are consistent of world-class epidemiologists, clinical researchers as well. One of greatest initiatives is “Early Life Plan” (ELP for short afterwards), which is a long-term project for healthcare. The goal is to explore the long-term effects of early-life (from pregnancy) health on adulthood health later on. The institute will bring together talents, clinical resources and existing cutting-edge achievements into a large research platform. With the innovative operation mode and scientific research management mechanism as the entry point, the institute will build interdisciplinary and cross-research teams to create a group of clinical and basic sub-disciplines for core competencies. In conjunction with other institutions focusing on early life health research, the institute would jointly establish a research system to explore the correlation between biological and social influence factors related to early life health and adult health quality.

The Institute focuses on a number of major studies (but not limited to): 1. Using cell molecular biology and embryonic development techniques to study the molecular mechanism of the major birth defects (e.g., congenital heart disease, neural tube defects, mental retardation, etc.), genetic and environmental exposure factors, pathogenesis, early screening and diagnostic methods; fetal, placental-derived disease pathogenesis and fetal programming studies, exploring mechanisms and influencing factors of embryonic development and fetal programming; 2. Environmental pollution to the fetus and the impact of children's health is the key to the environmental impact of early life health. 3. By applying clinical epidemiology and biostatistical techniques, conduct prospective long-term follow-up, regular follow-up of high-risk children, study of reasonable nutrition and feeding methods, optimal growth patterns, and factors affecting neurological and intellectual development. Randomized clinical trials and behavioral intervention studies; 4. By applying epigenetics, intestinal microecology, stem cell differentiation, and metabolic disease research techniques to develop mechanisms and preventive measures for childhood obesity caused by various factors during pregnancy and infanthood.

IELH combines multidisciplinary strengths, to form multiple research teams. Based on research objectives, a research team is formed and led by a chief scientist, multiple key researchers and technicians. More than 10 chief physicians in hospital-related clinical departments have joined already in the discipline and more will be recruited. The Institute cordially invites scientific professionals who are interested in the research of early life health to join IELH. Appointments could be diversified, short-term or long-term ones are all well welcome. The abundant clinical research resources would allow you enjoy your research initiatives and reach your career goal. The institute research theme will explore strategies and methods for early life health and developmental mechanism of disease potentials and clinical treatment, and prevention and intervention strategies for early life health as well.

IELH is well equipped by two major types of platforms, i.e., resource platform and technology platform, including: 1. Xinhua Biobank is an indispensable resource-based platform for clinical research resources and one of well-known biorepositories in China. Xinhua Biobank facility was founded and established since the year 2012. The biobanking team has become more and more professional in the field of banking biological samples and management to support clinical research and beyond, especially is characterized by its information management setting. For the biorepositories of SBC and ELP projects, the biobank facility has become a key public and valuable resource platform; The embryo development analysis platform is based on animal models to simulate the conditions of “ideal patients”, creating an artificial environment that can explore pathophysiological processes and laws, in order to explore and understand the process of disease production and development, and to discover basic research. Extend to the population for clinical observation and verification. The platform supports the research of clinical issues, conducts mechanism research and promotes the combination of basic clarification mechanism and clinical verification results; 3. The technical type of platform is to support and facilitate research both on basic mechanism and clinical effect. Integrating techniques, methodology and atrategy in both clinical and laboratory research is the key step to provide comprehensive support. In order to explore the correlation mechanism between the key stages of early life and disease concerns, the comprehensive technology platform is reliable support for genomics, epigenetic, proteomic and metabolomic research. The technology platform will also provide a combination of clinical and technical support for large-scale clinical observation and validation.


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