

科教楼623室    776242


科教楼621室    776653


科教楼619室    776167


科教楼610室    776224

上海交通大学医学院上海市免疫学研究所Philippe Pierre课题组博士后招聘启事

Postdoc Advertisement


The Philippe Pierre's lab at Shanghai Institute of Immunology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine is recruiting some postdocs (Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D.) with immunology background and expertise to work at the forefront of the field of Immunology.

Please visit our lab website (http://sii.shsmu.edu.cn/En/DetailMemberInfo3.php?pid=5&cid=32&num=32&id=74) for details.


Main achievements of the Group:

  • Demonstration of DALIS function and linking antigen processing with autophagy. Demonstration that autophagy is regulated differently by TLR stimulation and that it consumes many substrates of the proteasome, therefore influencing antigen processing and presentation in different immune environments.

  • Elucidation of MHC class I and II traffic in antigen presenting cells. Demonstration of the redistribution of MHC II molecules from late endosomal compartments to the cell surface upon LPS stimulation of dendritic cells. Study of MARCH E3 ubiquitin ligases during this process.

  • Dissemination of a novel non-radioactive technology to monitor protein synthesis and demonstration of the existence of nuclear protein synthesis.

  • Demonstration of the importance for the immune response of different molecules (GADD34 and eIF2a) known to participate in the integrated stress pathways.

  • Demonstration of the role of MARCH ubiquitin ligase in the regulation of MHC transport and different immunereceptors in DCs.


Postdoc positions

The Pierre's lab is looking for highly motivated and talented scientists, and candidates with Ph.D., M.D., degrees are welcome to apply! Please email your CV, a brief description of your previous work and your future research interests to pierre@ciml.univ-mrs.fr, if interested.


Contact Information:

Email: pierre@ciml.univ-mrs.fr



